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v3 of my Blood Bowl rules summary and reference updates the sheets for the 2016 re-release. Time for kick off! 

Good ol' Blood Bowl. Who's still playing this classic? I've got an unpainted Nurgle's Rotters team sitting here undercoated and begging me to paint it ...


Blood Bowl v3

Blood Bowl lives on, and here's the summary and reference for the 2016 re-release version! Blood Bowl. A Games Workshop classic loved and enjoyed by many, fantasy football at its finest. Criminally undersupported by Games Workshop by many years, in 2016 it was finally re-released, the herald of what was to become a new generation of 'specialist' boxed games and a new age for the company.


Alan Gardner

I was just playing this the other day! Not played it in about 25 years.

Alan Gardner

Yeah was great! Was getting pommeled by the orks but managed to sneak a touchdown before half time. Second half to be played later this month. Oh to have more time for gaming 😁