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Sherry Garcia

I really thought you were going to like this episode more. Like you said at the beginning and in previous episodes a spinoff with Jodi,Claire and other women from the show would be an awesome idea.From what I've seen and read there actually was a lot of support for it being picked up especially from women fans of the show.I believe there was even a petition at some point. Either way I always love seeing Jodi ,Donna and Claire.

Sherry Garcia

i just looked it up because I was curious.The petition had 70,000 signatures in the first week and at last count on the page had 85,566.

john segun doe

They actually stopped for no actual reason. Like they're in this world of death and monsters and were almost dinner 30 secs prior but they stop at a gradually closing portal instead of jumping through for dear life. And then kiya dies... which makes it pointless & feel stupid rather than earned and believable. oh goodness the writing of this show hella dipped at this point just to make things just.......happen. None the less i still from time to time like to see ur reactions to these bad writing moments & ur justifiable critique of them lol. And i just laugh at the screen at how ridiculous they were

Sherry Garcia

The episode may have fallen flat for some,but I still think the concept for a spinoff with these women was a strong one.Over the years this show has gotten a lot of critism over the way women characters are precieved as being treated. I never saw it as specifically targeting female characters that are introduced. I always felt that they were just as quick to bring in men and kill them off as women. But I think a female centered show would have been a cool idea because we have gotten to see Jodi Donna and Claire for years and I absolutely think they would have been strong enough to carry a show if they were given good storylines.

john segun doe

No def, there is something there. If only Kripke was given the reigns to this it would've been a diff ball game. Its just the ep was sooo meh, that alot probably thought it would just be on the same level of writing