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Darkwood characters always make for great bloopers



That thumbnail alone is pretty creepy. Its as if evil Baelin is staring directly into my soul.

Steph P.

I think i’m stuck in Darkwood- I can’t get the video to play? :( (in the usa here, mac based both on an ipad, chrome browser and a laptop, firefox) . However Byron’s Drone video plays! Lol


Hi Steph, I feel your pain! I had a similar problem getting this video (and newer ones after it) to play on my iPhone. For me, I found that having my browser in “desktop view” mode was causing the issue, and once I switched my browser to “mobile view” mode, then I could get the video to play. I don’t know if that specific trick will help you, but the general answer may be in adjusting your browser settings? I hope you’re able to ultimately resolve the problem and watch the newer videos :)