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Heya mutants, how are you?

I'm back with some fresh development news regarding driving in the game. The coding of the main driving system is all but done! I've had my first successful ride around the wasteland on a cool motorcycle. This new system will enable the player to switch around between at least 7 different vehicles, with each having their own pros and cons. Some are faster, some are slower, some can take more passengers, some less, some have trunks, others don't.
There will be choices for all sort of driving preferences with upgrade options available as well.

We might possibly add a few more vehicles in special encounters, but we'll see how things go with these 7.

So now, heavy testing of the system will be my number 1 priority this week.

Also, a shout-out to our fan, gustarballs1983, who will use his video editing expertise to cleanup and improve the quality of videos.

Speaking of videos, there's a new Fallout TV show on Prime, where by the looks of it, many characters have Bloody Mess perk :-)

Talk to you soon,
-PJ & Co



Willem Brits

That is incredible news PJ! I also was not aware that this was planned, but I welcome it. Vehicles are such a big part of the original Mad Max series and fit well with the aesthetic of the Wasteland. I really loved the vehicle mechanics implemented in Fallout - Tactics, it was great! Having the vehicles be unique and upgradable is also very cool. FY is really sounding like a dream Fallout game, I cannot wait! Thank you again for all your hard work and the updates, it is really appreciated!

PJ & Co

You’re welcome, Willem! The testing of vehicles is progressing really nicely. More news about it soon!

Crocks the Fox

Cool update! Also whilst I'm here, could I please have another link to the Discord? I left the server a while back because I hadn't really been active in there, but it'd be cool to see the updates/discussion there again

PJ & Co

Hi Crocks the Fox, it will be good to have you back there! Here’s the link: https://discord.gg/UW36Ms7