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Dev Diary 139: Poll Time!

  • YES, Mr. Handy IS the missing race from Fallout 14
  • NO, Mr. Handy is just an appliance, nothing better or worse than a dishwasher 13
  • 2024-04-01
  • 27 votes
{'title': 'Dev Diary 139: Poll Time!', 'choices': [{'text': 'YES, Mr. Handy IS the missing race from Fallout', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'NO, Mr. Handy is just an appliance, nothing better or worse than a dishwasher', 'votes': 13}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 1, 4, 58, 27, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 27}


Hello there, my dear mutants!

I'm excited to share with you a revelation that has struck me like a bolt from the blue. After countless hours of pondering, it hit me: Could Mr. Handy be the missing race we've been searching for all along?

Think about it. We've encountered various races throughout the Fallout series – from humans to ghouls, to super mutants. But what about those trusty, floating, robotic companions we've come to rely on? Could they be more than just mechanical helpers?

Let's delve into this theory a bit deeper. Mr. Handy units are ubiquitous in the Fallout universe, serving as everything from housekeepers to vendors, and even as companions. They possess intelligence, personality, and a knack for conversation – all hallmarks of a sentient race. And yet, they've always been relegated to the role of tools, never fully recognized for their potential as a distinct race.

But today, I'm challenging that notion. I propose that Mr. Handy units are not just machines – they are a race unto themselves, overlooked and underestimated by us, their creators.

To put this theory to the test, I've set up a poll for all of you, my fellow mutants. I want to know what you think: Are Mr. Handy units the missing race from Fallout? Cast your vote and let your voice be heard.

Until next time, stay vigilant, stay curious, and never stop questioning the world around you.

Yours truly,

-PJ & Co




What do you intend to do with this new race if you go for it? Will you be able to play as one? Will you encounter more of them in the world? What's the idea?

PJ & Co

The whole Mr. Handy race idea is actually our April Fools joke 🥳 But we might make a funny special encounter out of it. Or if we want to tackle this idea seriously, we could maybe do a “Robot City” expansion pack once the main game is done. Then you could pick a type of robot you want to play, not just Mr. Handy 😃

Willem Brits

Hi there! When I first read this (on 1 April) I knew immediately it was an April Fools post! :) I like it though and think that this could be a very subtle side quest chain (or perhaps a special encounter). I would definitely love this being in the game somehow eventually as a side quest chain spanning multiple locations uncovering a conspiracy of Mr. Handy units (perhaps having a leader) that become self-aware. Almost like the quite mature "secret" quest line of the Half-Ogre breeding in Arcanum. :) Thanks for the April Fools PJ, it was cool!

PJ & Co

Ah yes, you are on the right track. Good analogy with Arcanum's Half-Ogre quest. There is definitively more going on with Mr. Handy race and other robots than what it seems. We shall hopefully revisit this topic one day when the game gets finished, perhaps in an expansion pack :-)