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Ship-Shaped Hand

Prosthesis, uncommon

Component: Construct gears

9 out of 10 captains agree that hooks are so last century. This practical prosthesis for the modern pirate will get you pillaging and plundering at twice the usual rate; hook, line, and anchor!

Prosthesis Properties. This prosthesis can replace or enhance an arm. It has the Hookshot (20 feet) and Launch (1d6 bludgeoning, 20 feet) properties.

Improved Hookshot. As an action while the hook is attached to a target, you can reel yourself in. When you do, you move a number of feet up to the item’s Hookshot range in a straight line towards the hook. In addition, the DC of the ability check required to forcefully detach the hook is 13.

Hoist the Sail. When you reel yourself towards a creature using the Improved Hookshot property, you can choose to hoist the sail on the prosthesis, reeling even faster and creating an opportunity for you to strike. At the end of your movement, you can make one melee weapon attack as part of the action used to reel yourself in. Once this property of the item has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Anchor-Clanker. While the prosthesis’ hook is attached to a creature, that creature’s speed is reduced by 10 feet.


Rare variant: Increase the DC to 15, the range of the Hookshot and Launch properties to 30 feet, and the speed reduction to 15 feet. The Hoist the Sail property can be used at will.

Very rare variant: Increase the DC to 16, the range of the Hookshot and Launch properties to 40 feet, and the speed reduction to 20 feet. The Hoist the Sail property can be used at will, and when you hit with an attack as part of that property, it deals an extra 1d6 damage.


Get our prostheses rules HERE!!!!



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