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Hey everyone. 

Long time followers here will know that I usually release a set on or around the 4th of the month. Been doing that for around 18 months now. Yet it's the 2nd and I haven't posted any teasers or anything. It's cause I kinda screwed up, but not in like a bad way. 

Basically, last month I ended up releasing 3 sets that were pretty much 100 images each. That's the most I've ever done in a single month. In total I probably ended up making an extra 60 images in January. Because of that all 3 sets took longer than usual, hence why my schedule is out of sink. 

I normally spend the final week of the month working on the first set of the folowing month. However, the set with Tifa was way longer than I planned. On a side note, I never plan or set out how long a set will be. I just keep going with the flow and end it when I feel like I've got no poses left to do or feels natural to stop it now. 

With that in mind this month I've decided to release just 2 sets and maybe some smaller images sprinkled in throughout the month. If I was to release 3 this month it would throw my routine off for next month and the month after that, and so on. So this month I'll balance things out from last month's extra images to get things back on track. 

But there is a plus side to this. 

Back in December I brought this new add on called True Skies for Blender. It's this high tech kit that simulates a full day and night system with clouds, fog etc. It's fantastic and really makes some stunning images. However, as with everything, there's a drawback. And that is rendering times. 

Uusally my 4090 can chug through rendering an image in around 2 to 4 minuates - it's why I can make 100 image sets in around a week now compared to my old 3070. Whereas it normally takes a few minutes to make an image, with the True Skies addon, it can take upwards of 20 minutes per images. Safe to say it's pretty demanding. But the results are worth it imo. 

So whenever I make a set using this addon, I won't be able to get a set out within a week or so as it simply takes so much longer to make a single image. Therefore, I'll be using this month to make a set with it as I won't have to rush to get it done - I'll have time to cook with it.

I'll also be changing up how I render images with thi set and I'm a creature of habit so I'm not sure how much - if at all - the change will bug me. 

Sorry for the less amount of content this month, I genuinally hate it, but I'll make it up to ya'll with top notch smut! 

If you've got any questions, feel free to drop me a DM or down below in the comments. 






Don't worry because some months are not the same as others, if we are here it is because we like your work and everything is well received, although sometimes some theme is not 100% to the liking of each user. Anyway, if you release a set with the Witcher girls, I'll forgive you anything hahaha