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Hey everyone.

Got some bad news for everyone. The latest set with Ada I'm having to scrap half way through. I just can't keep forcing myself to work on it. Personally, it looks like shit imo and not up to my standard. For the past 4 days I've been trying to fix it but I can't. I think I would need to start the whole set over and re-do the story differently.

Because of this I've taken the tough decision to scrap the set and move on to a new project instead of wasting more time trying to salvage this. Everything from the lighting to the poses to the overall look of it just looks awful to me. It's hard to describe but working on this felt like a chore not a passion project. And when you're making something you hate it's never going to come out nice.

Hate doing this tbh as it's letting you all down and I feel as though I've failed. It's a good story I've got here so I want to do it justice one day and not waste it here with a set that i cannot save at this point.

The 40 odd images that I made for this set I've uploaded to the archive so that you guys can get something from this past week. Just been so frustrated this past few days with it. Started off well, but then it just got worse and worse to the point where I genuinely did not want to work on it which is the oposite to my usual way where I have to force myself not to render out images.

Sorry for the rant, just had to get it off of my chest. Thankfully it's only the 8th so it's not like I've wasted the whole month on this.

In terms of what to make next, I'm not to sure. There's 5 sets I could do:

1 . A Star Wars set with Rey and an Eopie.

2. A Remake of part 1 in my Resident Evil series with Jill

3. The next episode in my RE series.

4. A Witcher set with Ciri and a drowner.

5. A half life set with Alyx and a head crab.

Feel free to let me know which of the above you'd like to see. Again, sorry for this everyone.


All characters dipicted here are all offering their consent to engage in sexual activity. No one involved is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, hypnosis, or blackmail. 

I message all of my subscribers a link to my latest archive every month. If you've joined during the month, just drop me a message and I'll send you a link over. You can also find it in the group chat section.

Any questions, feel free to ask.




3 And don't feel bad. Your wellbeing is more important than our horniness, and I enjoy the stuff that you enjoy making. The quality is worthwhile.


1 would be great. Second choice is 3.


Don't worry about something like that, many times it is better to know where to stop because something better may come up later. Yes, it is disappointing to be waiting for something and knowing that in the end it doesn't happen or isn't going to happen, but there are worse things in life hehe. Don't worry and continue doing what you like most, although surely more than one person may think that by being subscribed all this time has been wasted. I personally understand it, in my work sometimes it happens and I have to park for a bit and take a breath to continue with another project. Of those you propose, I vote for 3 and 4. The rest either don't catch my attention or I see making "remakes" as a bit of a waste of time. It is better to move forward with news. And if they include Triss or Claire who are my waifus, then even better hahaha. I send you a hug and lots of encouragement!


RE 1 s.t.a.r.s getting down in the mansion? Yes please 2)


Sadly there's a real lack of RE1 monsters, characters and locations to use. It's a shame Capcom never gave RE1 the same remake treatment as the others.