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Hello, everyone!

Post only for patreons because it includes adult images.

The heaviest part of what remains is almost finished, the only thing left to do is the MC animation with Anna and company. All the animations of the teacher with the students are finished (5-6 scenes I don't remember now) and the renders of the assault are being processed. The previous animations are 100% finished and the script that remains is simpler than the one written so far.

In the next few days I will be rendering the assault and post-assault scenes and preparing the last animation. I can advance the script until the night at the club. I haven't done it yet, since I prefer to make one big advance instead of many small ones, this way I avoid making mistakes or mistakes like repeating things twice or using an expression too much. However, in the next few days I will advance the script from the MC's arrival home (almost completely written) to the assault at the club.

I think it is an important block of the chapter, perhaps the most important of the chapter and I want to avoid errors so as not to have to spend several days with script corrections (which are the worst, since you must invent from new variables to changing some old ones with the risk of inconsistencies it entails).

As a summary of this endless update (from a production point of view at least) I could say that it is 95% complete and in a week or a little more it should be finished.

Regarding Love in Futa Time 2:

The progress is more scarce since I am focusing on finishing 0.12.


Black Dragon

Would love to see a scene of the MC with the teacher.


Obviously there will be scenes of the MC with the teacher but they will be in the future. This teacher is the same one who teaches Alex and Nat. And to further develop your relationship with Nat, the MC will have to go to her office to "review her exams."