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Hiromi (3)
I was incredibly grateful to be sheltered in the Commander's exclusive tent or room. The whispers behind my back about being given special treatment despite being a new recruit were countered by the usefulness of my title and the respect it commanded.
Similarly, I skillfully used the gossip about being the Commander's favorite to my advantage.
In reality, Sakuji never made advances towards me.

I glanced at Sakuji once more. He was vigilant, always looking around while gently protecting me.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on him. He's mine."

Those words suddenly came to mind. Sometimes playful, sometimes menacing, I had thought of them as a tactic to protect me.


Rikimaru returned noisily. He was excited but exuded the sharpness typical of a strong individual as he firmly grasped Naruhito’s right hand with both of his.

"I've become stronger."

He announced with sparkling eyes.

“Can you tell?”
"Let's spar again sometime."

After saying that, Rikimaru furrowed his brows.

"You seem off today."

Without pausing to consider the startled Naruhito, Rikimaru effortlessly lifted him up. Naruhito hastily wrapped his right hand around Rikimaru's neck and clung to him, surrendering his body to Rikimaru.

Was standing too difficult for him? I hadn't noticed.

As I watched, a gun was suddenly pressed against Rikimaru's head. But before I could react, Rikimaru swiftly crouched down while still holding Naruhito, and his gun struck the chin of His Highness, Hiiro, who was standing nearby.

He was fast. Had Rikimaru always been this strong?

“Your Highness, I apologize.”

While apologizing, Rikimaru did not lower his gun, nor did he release Naruhito.

His Highness Hiiro, clicked his tongue slightly and quietly demanded, "Give him back."

“Ah~ Okay, okay," Rikimaru responded, lowering his gun and handing Naruhito over.
Naruhito reached out and placed himself into His Highness Hiiro's arms.

With a relieved expression, Naruhito closed his eyes. That seemed to be his safe place.

His Highness Hiiro holstered his gun and gently patted Naruhito’s back with kind eyes.

"Sorry for getting you involved, Himari."

Addressed by His Highness, I started worrying if I had been too nosy.

"We'll disband now. Mikumo, I won't forget this favor."
"No, it's okay. It seems like everything has turned out for the better."

Sakuji, who had somehow appeared beside me, looked at me with gentle eyes. Not oblivious enough to miss the similarity between Sakuji's gaze when looking at me and His Highness Hiiro's gaze when looking at Naruhito.

Could this person really be so earnestly in love with me...?

Unable to resist, I lowered my face.

"Your Highness, we will be going out for a bit.”

Hitachimaru tightly grasped Lady Otoha's hand and spoke.
His eyes were shining with the same intensity as Rikimaru's after whatever fierce battle had taken place inside.

His Highness waved his hand as if to say go ahead.


My voice slipped out unintentionally.

"How do you love each other so much?"

Hitachimaru, the prince, Lady Otoha, Naruhito, that cook and his girlfriend, and Sakuji.
How could I entrust my whole heart to just one person?

"Who knows?"

His Highness’ answer only deepened my torment.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/103472479


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