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Catastie Day 5: Clothing Store Recommendation
Fifth day in Catastie.
Since we will be leaving this town tomorrow, today I'm searching for clothes that will serve as references for my future creations.

I've walked around various places to see what kinds of clothes are available, and indeed, therewas a mixture of various styles.
There were dresses resembling Chinese cheongsams, as well as Japanese kimonos, casual robes, and even garments reminiscent of ceremonial attires.
However, it seems people mostly wear clothes suitable for the climate.
Although they are for sale, it appears most are intended for tourists.
Thinking about it, people probably don't wear clothes suitable for cold regions in hot climates.
It's a bit disappointing, considering I was hoping to expand my repertoire of clothing styles.

"Hey, you, you're not from around here, are you? Are you a traveling merchant?"

As I was visiting several clothing stores, I was approached on the street.
When I turned around, I saw an old man dressed in foreign clothes.
Seeing everyone around taking a cautious stance, I decided to engage in conversation as well.

"No, I'm someone who runs a clothing store in Vardmoi."

"Huh. You look quite young, but you are an Elf, so you must be quite old... Oh, sorry, I said something weird."

"It's okay. But why did you think I was a traveling merchant?"

"Huh? I saw you going into various stores and buying clothes. I thought you were an individual merchant who buys clothes in this town and sells them in another town."

"I see. I bought foreign clothes as a reference for the clothes I sell in my own shop... But, it seems like it's difficult if the clothes aren't suitable for the climate."

"Yeah. Cloth is a luxury item in this country, and clothes that are just exotic won't sell. The nobles here value tradition and won't easily embrace new things. Making too many foreign-style clothes won't sell well."

I see.
I got excited just by the idea of foreign clothes, but buyers don't care about that.
Since they're luxury items, people would likely choose something more practical.
It's a delicate balance whether foreign clothes can fit into that category.
Limiting it to my personal tastes might seem like a waste of funds... but I still want to try making them.

"If you're going to wear them yourself, that's fine, but it's uncertain whether they'll sell, miss."

"Yes, you're right. I'll think about it."

"That's good… Oh, by the way, I'll tell you about a good shop."

The place the old man recommended was a clothing store located in the shopping district where people in Catastie often visit.
The shopkeeper there apparently has an interesting technique and sells unique clothes.
While it's uncertain if it'll be useful as a reference, he suggested it might be worth visiting.
Since I'm already here, I might as well check it out.
Hopefully, I'll find something interesting.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/101678562


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