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This week we will be catching up with the latest updates I have just finished for WorthIt Guides.

This will be broken down for you all and I'll also go over what I'm planning on doing moving forward.

Routes Library:

The Routes Library inside of WorthIt Guides. This is a Library of importable routes providing you have the routes addon and routes import / export. However, the core functionality is there, which is amazing to say the least meaning I can just fill that library with tons of routes from Herbalism, Mining and Multifarm.

Gathering Profession Levelling Guides:

All Gathering Profession Levelling Guides from Shadowlands to Vanilla have been completed additional features included. They will break down how to reach max cap and achieve ranks for everyone on Fridays Update.

This is something I wish I had in earlier years so I decided to add it into the addon as well.

Trainer Waypoints / Levelling Routes:

Along with the levelling guides. The additional features are Trainer waypoints which will take you to either your Trainer to learn the gathering skill and also way points for Rares that drop Ranks for everyone so this will take the guess work out of levelling and skilling up your profession.

Next is Levelling Routes. In the guides for gathering you'll be able to import specific routes with high locations to level the skill cap up in the fastest way possible for your character. This will need the addon routes of course to import into and routes-import-export but this would stem from the Routes Library I talked about earlier.

Future / Conclusion:

So that is what is coming in the next update on Friday next week;

Route Library and Full Gathering Profession Guides.

I'm quite chuffed I managed to smash the target so pretty happy with that.

Next Week I plan on building the interactive Levelling for All other Professions with Valuation logic ( it'll tell you how much it will cost to level a profession).

So i'm going to get started working on that

Happy Gold Making All, Dala :)

Message me on discord or the Sandbox chat if you want to talk more or have any questions :)



Nelson William

Awesome. Really enjoying this. Thank you :)