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We've got ourselves a female wolf! Now, it's time to figure out what they look like, where they come from, and how they'll survive out in Wyldon!

Want to help customize them? In a comment below, make sure to include:
1) What Background the character should have.
2) A physical description of what they wear and look like.
3) Name suggestions!

Or, you can see what comments people have already left and leave a heart on any that you agree with! :)


How did she end up the leader of an adventuring party? Why does she go on this quest?



Be it an archaeologist or researcher of the threats currently afflicting Wyldon, you have fallen into this line of work as a byproduct of your studies.

Perhaps the party was funded by a grant from your academy. Perhaps you use your family's wealth to supply them. Regardless, field research is integral to your work, and you are willing to risk life and limb to attain it.

Buff: Strong-Minded. You are resistant to all curses/spells that brainwash or hypnotize you.

Party Buff: Well-Read. +2 to all Intellect rolls when trying to discern information about a location or monster integral to a quest/job. All party members benefit from this buff.


With the anarchy in Wyldon, the aristocrats have suffered just as much as anyone else. This Greed Witch's wrath has forced you from your place upon the throne. As such, you've had to seek solutions yourself.

While doing the dirty work personally is hardly your favourite way to handle matters, you see no other choice. You've used the last of your family's wealth to assemble an adventuring team in order to help you put a stop to this witch's rampage.

Buff: Bon Vivant. The more Gold your party has, the easier it becomes to succeed Gluttony, Greed, and Luck rolls.

Party Buff: Rags to Riches. All Gold found from looting, searching, and bargaining is slightly increased. All party members benefit from this buff.


This isn't the first time you've witnessed the dark dealings of the Greed Witch. While Wyldon may only have known of her for a short while, you dealt with her long ago. And it wasn't exactly a pleasant conversation. After that, you'd hoped you'd never have to return to the world of adventuring, but... well, no rest for the weary.

You've dedicated everything to hunting down the Greed Witch and putting an end to her once and for all. If anyone's going to see that witch slain, it'll be you. Even if it means having to travel with these rookies just to get it done.

Buff: Veteran of Greed. You are resistant to the consequences of Greed, Lust, and Gluttony.

Party Buff: Ever-Cautious. Your party is slightly less likely to trigger hidden traps. All party members benefit from this buff.



If you're honest with yourself, it's not the Greed Witch that you care about. It's the adventure. The journey. Ever since you were a pup, you dreamed of charging head-on into the fray with a group of warriors behind you and carving out your path of heroic glory for all to see.

Granted, this party you've assembled is... a little unorthodox. But still, gotta start somewhere, right? The Greed Witch has finally given you the perfect opportunity to chase your dream. And so, you've dedicated everything you have to not letting this moment slip from you.

Buff: Rookie Spirit. The more you fail a type of roll, the easier that roll will be to succeed in the future.

Party Buff: Determination. Your party's will is unbreakable. Anyone who is in a critical state (Heavily injured, ready to burst, overstressed, etc.) can withstand it a bit longer before falling unconscious or dying. All party members benefit from this buff.



Fate is a funny thing. When the world is at it's worst, it always seems like some long-lost prophecy happens to pop up at just the right time to declare that a "destined hero will arise from the chaos to save this world". That's not just a broad statement, that's actually what your prophecy said.

You have no idea how you got here. Hell, you barely even know who the Greed Witch is. But when you walked into town, those strange prophets practically jumped you. They kept INSISTING that you had to be the prophesized hero that would stop her. And, well, they paid for your meal, and pretty much put the whole team together for you.

Plus, you DO live on this planet. If it's destroyed, that would kinda suck for you, honestly. So, yeah. You guess you could try to stop her. You didn't have much other plans this month anyway.

Buff: Destined Path. You are resistant to your movement being impeded or slowed down when you are traveling North towards the Greed Witch.

Party Buff: Not the Main Character. Any time you lose a party member, a portion of their XP is given to all of your remaining party. All party members benefit from this buff.


After what you've done, there wasn't much left for you anyway in the old Wyldon. In truth, it's almost a relief to watch it all fall to anarchy. But... something inside you has changed since then. Maybe you've been in hiding for too long. Maybe it's time for a fresh start.

Perhaps if some lousy, low-life criminal like you can make something of themselves by taking out this witch that's threatening the whole realm... well, maybe there's a chance for your name to be remembered fondly in history. Maybe even scum like you can be looked up to.

You've put together a party of folks with their own regrets. Maybe you all might just get along.

Buff: Self Preservation. In dangerous situations, it is easier for you to succeed any roll that allows you to push a party member into that danger to keep yourself safe.

Party Buff: Out of Sight. Your party has an easier time succeeding any roll that revolves around hiding, staying hidden, or sneakily performing an action. All party members benefit from this buff.



Scooter Tahusky

I would suggest Aspiring Hero, wearing form fitting light chainmail or studded leather armor, with a sturdy kite shield, and a simple but reliable broadsword. Also perhaps a blue or red scarf or hooded cloak. As for a name; Lily seems simple enough.


Really love the disgraced nobility