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Hello Friends

  Now I can't find this on my blog and judging by the layout it might not have appeared anywhere, so here we go with a piece from way back featuring the classic 25th Century set up.

  Looks like Stevie has put her foot in it again and is in isolation for a while and will miss the fun of the ambassadors reception , still never mind, if I am not mistaken she has her own fun when that pod decides to awaken.

As for our dear friend Lee, well I got a bit naughty with this one,

mmmm tasty 





Can I join?

Andy Latex

I will send you the enrolment forms......not allergic to slime or goo are you? XX


It's a shame Stevie is going to miss the Ambassador's Reception but at least Commander Watson already has him on the list (and menu) for the next occasion. It's his own fault though: he was so terribly clumsy treading on that Secretious Pod. As germination progresses, he'll have to be locked in isolation as it envelops him and gains its special nutrients. Poor Stevie, he might be envying Lee now, but he's going to have at least two weeks immersed in Secretious liquor. It's going to be a long and exhausting fortnight.

Andy Latex

Secretious pod? Hmmmm suspiscious.....it seems you have extensive knowledge of the flora and fauna of the outer rims most unexplored planets . You could prove useful on our missions XXX