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This image is based on my experience playing with my Shai friend. I just alter things to make them much more eventful in the webcomic.

She is Guardian, one of the classes you can play in Black Desert Online. Guardian is the second character I ever created after Shai, the little girl species that you see in the image. Playing as Shai is my favorite experience, but she is more of a life skill than a combatant. So, I decided to create a new character and I can't pick out many characters. Fortunately, my wife suggested I go for the Guardian, and it has been the best choice ever pick as the Guardian, she is very comfortable and all her hits mostly revive her health in a massive amount combined with her attack points are very huge in volume. But she is not invisible, I still need to take care of every step I take to perform a strategic attack and deliver a precise blow. It is a good thing that the Guardian's attacks are also Attack on Environments, meaning she leaves damaging marks that could damage other opponents.



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