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Antonella is just one girl with two heads. She has some secrets behind her that you can explore about as you know her better... hehehe ^^

She's an Original Character from @Sophiie.

Here's a little story about her, courtesy of @Sophiie:

“…and then the girl mutates in the middle of the fight,” said Sophie, gesturing with all four hands.

"Yeah! A-And her mutant friends helped her in combat while she adapted to her body. The healer even had a spell to help her to adjust her brain for it, it was a very epic scene,” Lucy added.

Antonella looked at them with both faces showing a confused expression “But wasn’t she half naked then after she grew her new body parts?”

"Yep!" the conjoined twins responded at the same time.

“Are you sure this isn't a show for mutant fetishists?” Antonella protested while she drank her soda with her tail-head “And you two just spoiled the best scene for me!”

“Awww… but there are many more epic scenes” Sophie responded.

“Besides, if it's for mutant fetishists then it fits you, right?” Lucy added.

"Fits me?! What do you mean?" Antonella said in an upset tone.

“We know you enough, Anto…” Sophie said, rolling her eyes at her “…I'm going to try to believe that it's a pure coincidence that your best friends are all mutants and that you write porn stories only centered on mutants”

Antonella was silent for a few seconds, blushing with both faces while she looked away and opened another can of soda, drinking it with her free head “Okay, let's watch the series… but just a couple of episodes, tomorrow I want to wake up early and start cleaning, okay?” she said as she walked to the kitchen for bringing some snacks.

“Yiiiipee!” Sophie and Lucy said happily as they ran towards the TV in the living room.

Minutes later, the three girls were curled up in front of the TV in a fairly comfortable position. Antonella's tail was resting on Sophie and Lucy's lap and being caressed by their lower hands. Thanks to the fact that between the three girls they had ten hands available, they didn't even need a table to hold their sodas and snacks.

It didn't take much time or effort for the show to capture Antonella's attention since, as Sophie and Lucy had commented, there were a handful of mutants since the start of episode one and even the plot was quite engaging.

“That wasn't bad at all,” Antonella said, taking the remote control to start episode two. The twins laughed and nodded, enjoying every reaction her two-headed friend offered “Just one more episode and you can go to sleep…” Sophie said.

“When will the protagonist mutate by the way? A mutant body would help her a lot right now for the current plot…” said Antonella at the end as second episode was already finishing. She clicked play on the next one without thinking twice. Sophie and Lucy looked at each other and giggled “It won't be that long…” Lucy said, knowing that there were at least eight episodes left for it to happen.

After a couple of hours, the girls had finished their snacks and were relaxing by lying against each other. They were already on episode 5 and there seemed to be no plans to stop, or at least not voluntarily.

It didn't take long until fatigue began to impact them. From one moment to the next Lucy turned slowly as she felt her body weakened quite a bit “Sophie, are you asleep?” she whispered before seeing her sister asleep against Antonella's head, who was also sleeping lying against Sophie's shoulder. She looked down to see Antonella's tail on her lap, her eyes were closed and she seemed to be sleeping peacefully. Lucy smiled and carefully laid her head against her sister's, falling asleep with the two of them.

Antonella didn’t know how much time had passed. She opened her eyes and saw the ceiling of her bedroom as she slowly turned her body to sleep some more, watching her tail lying on the pillow next to her. She opened her eyes with it to look at herself, trying to remember what had happened. She remembered last night’s show, the girls, the snacks and falling asleep. She lifted her tail to see the empty room.

“Mmm… how did I end up in bed?” she wondered as she pulled the covers off to notice that she was only wearing her panties.

“I must have been so tired that I went to bed half asleep…” she said, sighing as she got out of bed and somewhat unsteadily walked over to her PC to turn it on, yawning with both heads as she waited for it to start up.

She slowly began to relax, resting her multiple arms on the chair and on her lap while she only used her upper right hand to move her mouse. She rested her tail on her shoulder and put on some relaxing music to start scrolling on her socials.

Her activity on internet in the morning was not that much. However, due to her work as an erotic writer, the number of images with sexual content was always large. That was a double-edged sword, they served as inspiration when it came to writing or being creative with her ideas but on a day like today the effect was not precisely that.

After all, she was half naked, just awake, in the solitude of her room, with her heads so close she could feel the heat of her cheeks as they turned pink. Each movement of her arms touched some bare breast, while the hands that rested on her legs began to caress her thighs slowly. That, added to the fact that the night before she spent hours curled up against the body of some very sexy conjoined mutants, led her to have quite erotic thoughts.

The random search on the networks became a selection. She set aside several of the images that seemed most erotic to her and began to display them on her monitor, while she let all her hands follow their instincts, caressing her tail, her breasts and her thighs to then taking off her panties as she raised her legs in a very sensual way.

Her breathing quickened and the breath escaping her mouths felt hotter. Her two faces turned red and without waiting any longer, one of her hands went towards her exposed vagina, beginning to caress her lips and enjoying the moisture already present in them.

Her main head focused on the images and videos on her monitor, while she lifted her tail to look at herself, admiring each of her six arms moving independently to stimulate a different part of her body.

Her eyes ran over her figure from bottom to top to eventually see her own face, which was still very concentrated watching the monitor. She slowly approached her while she licked her lips, and without taking her eyes off from the monitor she turned her main head towards her tail.

She moved her tail from side to side, watching the lips of her main mouth, the moisture on them giving an attractive shine look as her agitated breathing seemed to invite her to kiss them. Without hesitating much more, she let herself be carried away by those desires, kissing herself while the sensations in her body increased more and more.

The simple fact of feeling a double kiss in her mind brought her to the brink of orgasm. Her legs tensed, two of her fingers were lost inside her vagina and moving quickly as the rest of her hands were already losing track of where they were touching.

It was then that a familiar sound made time run in slow motion for Antonella. The doorknob to her room turned and the door began to open.

“Eeeey sleepy girl! Breakfast is ready…” the characteristic voice of the twins burst into the room while Antonella's mouths separated as if they were burning on contact.

The door opened to reveal the conjoined twins wearing an apron over some comfortable clothes. They both had smiles on their faces until they saw Antonella with one hand on her vagina and the rest of them spread all over her body. A thread of saliva was connecting both of her mouths and her faces were blushing hard.

The smiles of the conjoined twins turned into expressions of surprise, although Lucy's face showed more interest with her cheeks blushing at the image in front of her.

“A-Antonella, what are you doing???!” Sophie said as she covered her face with one of her hands, spreading her fingers to continue watching the scene.

“I-I…uh…I can explain!” Antonella said in shock as she removed her hands from each sensitive spot to try to cover her nakedness as best as she could. As she spoke, she gestured with the hand that was previously in her vagina, which only caused threads of her own fluids to form between her fingers. The twins' eyes seemed hypnotized, staring at that hand before Antonella realized it.

“Oh my…” Lucy said.

“Ugh… I thought you two left last night!” Antonella said, as she cleaned her hand and put on her panties.

The lower hands of the conjoined twins rested on her hips, waiting for Antonella to finish dressing “No, we didn't… you fell asleep and we brought you to bed,” said Sophie, pointing to Antonella's bed “We were too tired to leave to our home”

“My… was I asleep enough to move me like that?” Antonella said, already wearing some underwear as she looked for clean clothes and a towel.

“Yeah… you were too tired apparently. We had to carry you to bed,” said Sophie.

“And you two slept on the couch?” Antonella asked.

“Nope! We slept with you in the bed” Lucy said proudly. Antonella froze as Sophie slowly turned towards her sister, as if she had said something she shouldn't have.

“And… why didn't I had any clothes on?” Antonella said.

“Don't worry, we didn't have them either!” Lucy said laughing as she covered her mouth.

“Lucy!!” Sophie said protesting. Antonella froze for a few seconds but then she started to laugh “I always experience unique situations with you two”

“Oh? So you’re not upset?” Lucy asked while Sophie also looked at her in surprise.

“If there's one thing that upsets me, it's not remembering it…” Antonella said, pouting while she took her things as if nothing had happened “Shall I go take a shower and then have breakfast together?”

“S-Sure…” said Sophie watching Antonella disappear towards the bathroom.

“She took it a lot better than I thought she would,” Lucy said. Sophie turned their shared body back towards the chair where Antonella was sitting before “I think her body remembered something if she got up so horny, she even wet the seat”

Lucy swallowed, looking at the wet spot in the chair and remembering what she saw. Sophie noticed something in their shared groin and turned to Lucy, smiling mischievously “Ah… I see she wasn't the only one”

“Shut up…” Lucy replied, blushing.



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