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Ah... Finally. The Loft.

There will be several parts to 'The Loft' Series, spread out over some time. With each part, will come a different outfit, a little bit of the story behind our days in this beautiful space, the process in building and printing "Reed X AW Media Volume II," a little bit of insight on my editing process for these sets, and whatever else might possibly come to mind while I am writing.

This was the first outfit we shot in this beautiful space and I would have to say it is probably my favorite set of lingerie that Reed owns. The symmetry between the top and the bottom is amazing as well as the pattern on both. The high waisted bottoms and garter perfectly compliment Reeds body and as always; she looks really good in black.

I am very excited with how well this first look we shot came out that day. Just like many other things; if you do not practice your skills for awhile, it takes a second to pick it back up. That was not the case here. The last time Reed and I created together was about a month prior, but I think our chemistry shows through in these photos and in fact all of our photos for that matter. The shot shown above was one of the first three shot that day and it came out very well in my opinion. The near-angelic light pouring through the massive windows created amazing lighting and that same light reflected of the all white walls hitting Reed's skin and made it glow.

With over two hundred and fifty final photos, across several different outfits, I have to say; one of my favorite shots from this weekend is in this first set. Can you guess which one it is?

I love shooting with Reed, between her natural gift of beauty and her amazing skill as a model, it is always a phenomenal time creating with her. Not to mention all of the fun that we have while doing it. That love also translates into editing our work. I believe one day I willingly spent almost ten hours straight working on these.

The complexity of shooting directly in front and to the side of a large, well lit window is insane. The every changing direction of light from backlit, to one side, to the other, partially backlit, direct lighting, etc, is seemingly difficult to make sure shadows, highlights and tones stay consistent throughout the entire set. Now if we were to stand in one spot, to take one photo, for Instagram; that is a completely different story. But, needless to say, we did not do that. I took a great deal of time going back and forth between all the photos as I continued to march through editing making sure that lighting, highlights, shadows, tones and the over all feel of the photos stayed the same. If you want to learn more about the actual processes I went through for editing these photos and rechecking consistency, please do not hesitate to sign up for The Photographer's Tier. I will go much more in depth there.

As all of you know, these photos were shot back in January. January 15th to be exact, and I finished editing them late February. So, I'm sure you are wondering why it took so long to release these photos.

The first thing we wanted to accomplish with these photos was not posting them and getting them live, but making the book, "Reed X AW Media Volume II." The original intent for these photos was for the continuation of our book volumes, it is just an added bonus that we captured so much great content to share. While we were waiting for the books to be completed and arrive at Reed's doorstep, she was tossing around the idea of making the switch from ConectPal to Patreon. Well, with much deliberation, she decided it was the right move. Collectively, we came to the conclusion that we would hold off on posting any of these photos on Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, and all digital mediums for that matter, until the launch of her Patreon page. Almost as a: 'starting with a bang,' if you will.

Granted, I know it has been a long wait for these photos to be released, but I can honestly say: it was well worth your patience. Reed and I put our all into creating these photos for our book project and I said before, I feel like all of the time and effort shows in the final results. 

I highly suggest you pledge to both of our Patreon's. Since we collaborate often and create so much content together; we decided that out of each set we create, some photos would be exclusive to my Patreon page and some would be exclusive to her's. Basically, I upload the photos to a dropbox link, we hop on FaceTime and decide which ones we like the most and then those are our exclusives for that set!

Copy one of two has been sold and has found it's home somewhere in Greece. Copy two of two is still readily available for purchase and can be found on my Etsy store, link provided below. I can tell you right now, the price of this book will never drop. Between the up front cost to us, the exclusivity and the effort put into it warrants that decision that Reed and I have made. Not to mention how much these photos, this project and the book mean to both of us.

The photos contained inside "Reed X AW Media Volume II" are in fact viewable in these sets. However, we will never disclose what photos made it into the book and those of which that did, will never be printed or reproduced besides the original printing into Volume II. We wanted to go off of the feeling I described awhile back in my post "A New Chapter," regarding my 12x18 metal print. I am talking about that one of a kind feeling of owning something so exclusive, so secretive. I look forward to packaging up the second copy and shipping it off to it's new home one day. And whomever ends up owning it, I hope they get that feeling that I am talking about.

Without further ado, The Loft, Part I.







I don't know if they're your favorite, but my top 3 in this set would have to be #8, #7 and #14. The whole set was beautiful. Still trying to save my pennies to buy vol II. At some point I'm just gonna say, f*** it and buy the book. Now, off to Reed's Patreon to check out the other half of this set.


Those are some of my favorite shots! However, not my absolute favorite from the set. I do really like the one of her bum though (#7). I guess you will have to wait and see which one is my favorite! I may be doing something special with my favorite one! I'm glad you liked the photos though! Just a heads up: between the two of us, you will see some of the same photos in both of our sets, but I will have my 'Patreon Exclusive' logo on mine and she will have her 'Patreon Exclusive' Logo on hers. Enjoy!


These are great. I can not have a favorite. Now I want to buy a book.