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some of these sketches are recent, and some have been laying around for a little while so I figured I’d just throw them all into an art dump here, as I’m not sure how many of these I’ll actually finish.

1. Doodle of Salem I did tonight! I wanted to refresh myself and draw something not so cutesy, as I’ve been doing a lot of that lately. I felt like drawing him with his hair slicked back and straightened, showing off his forehead marking.

2. Another doodle i did tonight, this time for my fiancé. I don’t draw art for us a lot, mainly just because couples poses are SO HARD a for me to come up with, so this is just a lazy Shitpost sketch. I don’t really see myself finishing this? But who knows. Maybe I will if I get bored.

3. Pokki asked me as a joke a few days back if I’d rather have a body pillow of Kamina (Gurren Lagann), or Chrollo (Hunter x Hunter), and it was hard for me to choose so I decided to doodle Dré with both of them for fun.

4. nothing much to say about this one other than I really like it! I sketched it a good few weeks ago now, and I do really want to finish it when I find the time.

5. Now this sketch is kinda old, it’s from last month! This was originally gonna be the drawing I did to celebrate Sourpatch’s birthday, but I lost motivation for it very very quickly, and decided to do something simpler for her birthday instead. Im happy I did, because I still don’t like this sketch much, and I don’t see myself finishing it.

6. I wanted to draw something to celebrate Rivals of Aether finally being released on the switch, as me and Pokki have been anticipating it for a while, so i decided to draw Orcane since he’s my fav Rivals character! Buuuut I lost steam for this one rather quickly too.

7. This was my first drawing I did of Pidge (character on the left, owned by Katsugouu on Twitter) and my character Dylan, since we decided to ship them, but I lost steam for it honestly. It’s still very rough, I just couldn’t be bothered to do another cleaned up version of the sketch.

8. Aaand Kandi and her girlfriend Kanako (owned by my sister, Foolrot on Twitter)! I kind of like this? I just think I want to clean up the sketch more. to be completely honest, I had completely lined and coloured this back when I sketched it a few weeks back, but I ended up scrapping both the lines and colours as I hated how it looked. I still like the sketch though, so maybe I can do something with it in the future.

9. Added this one in post real quick, I forgot about it! Hyper dressed up as Dracula for Halloween. I lost steam for this one later in the game than I usually do. I’d like to finish it eventually I just? Am not too sure if I will lmao.


Dré and Dandy
Orcane (Rivals of Aether)
Pidge & Dylan
Kanako & Kandi


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