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Though I’ve been having a bad day, I have still been working! I wanted to share some progress shots from this commission I’m working on for Ari! Lineless stuff is always a blast to work on, and the prompt for this one git me fired up from the start!

I whipped up a bunch of rough pose thumbnails for them to choose from (see last image), and once the pose they liked the most was chosen, I went ahead and cleaned up the sketch! The screenshot with all the muddled colours is how I plan out my lineless pieces. Each colour is its own separate layer, for me, it makes colouring and shading lineless pieces A LOT easier! 

The flats for this haven’t been approved yet, so there could be some changes, but I expect I’ll be able to work on this more tomorrow, and possibly get it all finished.


Flats 1 coloured
Sketch 1
Sketch 2
Flats 1
Flats 2 coloured


Cody Blaze

THIS!!! This is stunning! I love your lineless pieces, and seeing your progress is really cool! 💖 I hope you feel better soon

Clover Pigeon

This looks absolutely incredible!!!! Hope you're feeling better soon hon :(