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First off, my content is being copied!

Unfortunately I have come across a few people copying my builds and uploading them as their own. When I initially noticed it in the past, I have just let it slide, but it is actually becoming an increasing issue for me.

This is bad enough, however, my content is
FREE and these people who have copied my builds, are making money off my FREE hard work and talent. (Having these copy-cat builds behind pay walls on their own Patreons)

I don't mind people taking inspiration from my builds and I am flattered that people perceive my work that good that they feel the need to copy it,
HOWEVER, my builds are 100% unique. I put months into my builds to make my own visions come to life.

I don't appreciate people profiting off my hard work and claiming it as their own idea. It's an insult, it's dishonest and it's not fair.

If I see any one else doing this,
they will be blocked from my Patreon and will no longer have access to my downloads or my photos.

I understand using CC in my builds might expose me to other's builds being similar. However, these builds are almost exact copy-cats of my ideas, layouts and the CC used.

Be an individual. Get your own ideas and talent and
please stop stealing mine.

Secondly - I am working on something for my Supporters only!

Since coming back to Patreon and my building, I honestly didn't expect anyone to actually subscribe to me and support me, but I have
been pleasantly surprised with the amount of people who actually have! To those of you who have subscribed, THANK YOU SO MUCH. It does mean the world to me and it only inspires me and drives me to make even more content! I want to thank you all by building something strictly for you guys and I am currently working on that.

It is something that I will focus more on in the future as the subscriptions build. But for now, everyone can enjoy almost everything for
FREE and those of you who are current subs can enjoy and expect some special gifts from time to time! 💖


Mimi Almeida

I´m so sorry to hear that. You don´t deserve that

Mimi Almeida

Any chance you could unlock your old builds, such as the BON VOYAGE TRAVEL AGENCY and the Candy Store please?