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“I know everything,” Bill said with a low voice. People were walking by, but nobody was coming to Caroline’s aid. “Please, stop avoiding me. I need to talk to you. You’ve been ignoring my texts all day.”

Caroline's cheeks were red now that she was being confronted by Bill. He came out of nowhere, and she felt her heart racing as she struggled to maintain her composure. She fidgeted nervously, her fingers tugging at the hem of her dress, adjusting the fabric around her form. She stood on the doorstep of her apartment, cornered by Bill's intense gaze. His blue eyes, usually warm and inviting, were now filled with questions, accusations, and a plea she hadn't expected.

Bill's sudden appearance had caught her off guard. His discovery of the truth, however, had shaken her to the core. The secret that Caroline and Sage had been so careful to keep was now revealed. It was no longer just documentation stashed away in the drawer of her nightstand. It was a reality staring them both in the face.

When Sage had found herself trapped in a failing relationship with Bill, they had chosen a solution that others might have deemed absurd. They had swapped bodies at a local body swap clinic. The procedure was safe and quick. It was a popular thing to do, though the duration was longer than what most people would ask for. They wanted one month to live as each other. Sage wanted to keep the relationship going since Bill was stupidly rich. He paid for everything.

Sage would continue living Caroline’s life, while Caroline focused on mending the broken relationship. Bill was growing bored of their relationship, and her friend had no idea what to do. It didn’t take long for Caroline to realize that the sex had grown stale. She had navigated the turbulent seas of Bill's heart to find out what he really liked. Within a month, she had done what Sage could not. 

All she had to do was do whatever depraved act Bill could think of. Caroline wasn’t willing to go through with some of his requests without Sage’s permission, but Sage was happy as long as it was Caroline doing these things. From pegging him to letting her dominate him, Caroline slowly understood the boyfriend’s kinks. It didn’t take long for her to actively enjoy it too.

She especially loved how turned on she was in her friend’s body. Sage might not have enjoyed the kinks, but the depravity of every act and the unfamiliar bodily sensations made Caroline crave for more. But now, Bill knew everything. He had discovered their secret, the proof in the photocopies of the body swap paperwork he had found. Caroline had expected anger, betrayal, but instead, she found a plea in his eyes. A plea for her to stay. It was a silent conversation, a mute exchange of emotions that said more than words ever could.

“I’m serious,” Bill said. “I’m not testing you. I don’t even care about the body you’re in. I care about what’s in here.” He lightly tapped her forehead. “You’re everything that I wish Sage was. Your attitude, your willingness to do anything…”

Caroline was at a loss for words. She didn't know how to respond, how to explain the complexities of her actions. She felt a knot forming in her stomach, a turmoil of emotions threatening to spill over. She looked at Bill, his face a mask of hope and fear. But when she told him that they could always do those things in her own body, she saw a flicker of excitement in the boyfriend’s eyes. Sage’s willingness to swap bodies with her finished off whatever relationship she had left. He belonged to her now.



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