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Elliana sat at her desk, her fingers tapping rhythmically on the smooth surface as she stared at the screen. She had been refreshing her college account page for what seemed like hours, waiting for the update on her psychology degree. She couldn't help but smile, a bubbling anticipation swelling within her chest.

She had never taken the exam. In fact, she hadn't even studied for it. Instead, she had turned to an unorthodox method to guarantee her success. Camille, her 40-year-old tutor, had offered to switch bodies with her at the local body swap clinic. A mutually beneficial arrangement, they both agreed. Camille craved the experience of youth once more, and Elliana wanted the assurance of a high score on her exam.

As the seconds ticked by, Elliana's impatience grew. She refreshed the page yet again, and this time, her account showed an update. Her heart leaped as she saw the score: 100%. She had done it. Or rather, Camille had done it for her. She could hardly contain her excitement, knowing that she was now one step closer to graduating with her psychology degree.

Overwhelmed by the elation coursing through her veins, Elliana couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. She had taken the easy way out, allowing someone else to bear the burden of her responsibilities. But as she looked at her perfect score, she pushed those thoughts aside. This was her ticket to a brighter future, and she couldn't afford to let guilt hold her back.

Deep down, Elliana knew she had made the right decision. But when Elliana sat in her favorite coffee shop to personally treat herself for finishing the end of the semester with flying colors, her phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out, expecting a message from a friend or family member. Instead, she found a text from an unknown number. Her heart raced as she opened the message, her fingers hovering over the screen.

"Hello, Elliana," the message from Camille read. "I hope you're enjoying your newfound success. But remember, nothing in life is free. I told you that money wasn’t going to cut it. And you’re about to find out what that means.”

A chill ran down Elliana's spine as she stared at the ominous message. As the weight of her choices bore down on her, Elliana realized that she couldn't run from the consequences forever. She had taken a shortcut to success, and now she would have to face the consequences of her actions. And while she sat there, the phone still clutched in her trembling hand, she couldn't help but wonder if the price she would ultimately pay was worth the good grade.

It wouldn’t be long before Camille revealed what she meant. When Elliana returned to the body swap clinic, she learned that all records of the swap had been erased. They couldn’t force the two women to switch bodies. Elliana managed to get an incredibly good grade, but Camille ended up taking her sexy young body for herself.



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