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Ahoy hoy!

I wanted to check in with a few updates as things begin to get a bit more hectic in the coming months.

FORCE FIVE, my Star Wars Action Figure show, continues to be a joy to do, with some great guests and wonderful conversations about their favorite Star Wars action figures (and more). We're almost up to episode 10, and if you haven't already, you can watch all of the episodes, plus unboxings and other fun content, on my YouTube page at Youtube.com/KenPlume. I want to start including title cards at the end of each episode featuring the names of my Patrons (you!) who make the show possible, but I wanted to get your thoughts first. Let me know if it's something you're keen on!

With over 500 episodes (I think it's closer to 600 now, or more - I really should check), A BIT OF A CHAT continues to roll along, and I have more episodes coming up this month. Give a spin to some of the recent guests, including the amazing Toks Olagundoye and Steve Agee.

I occasionally stream gaming and other nonsense over Twitch.tv/KenPlumeTwitch, sometimes with guests. I have also been posting regular content on my TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram accounts - Please consider following any and all of those, as well.

We're less than two months away from the release of THE ART OF DUCKTALES book (you can get information on that, and pre-order links, at bit.ly/ducktalesbook). I'm working out details, but I'm going to be offering a very special gift to Patrons of a specific tier (and above). Once I have more information, I'll let you all know.

I've got more Patron exclusives in the hopper, including more episodes of The Ken P.D. Snydecast, and rarities from my archives.

Sadly, despite both hoping and planning to, I will not be returning to DragonCon in Atlanta this year. I'm still at a level of concern and caution when it comes to travel, and with everything going on right now, I felt it wasn't a risk worth taking  - Which is a *huge* disappointment. I was looking forward to seeing friends and doing panels and shows in front of an audience again, but... (sigh). However, for fans of the content I do at conventions with said friends, stay tuned for some announcements that don't require any of us to travel in order to partake. We're going to make some lemonade, folks.

Finally, I wanted to thank everyone who has *very* kindly ordered items off of my Amazon Wish List - which you can find HERE. It's continually updated with needed equipment and fun items that are always appreciated, if you're inclined. 

And that's all for now (or at least all I can remember). More updates to come, and if you ever have a question, comment, or request, please don't hesitate to message me.



Patrick Edward Quinn

Sorry to hear you won't be going to DragonCon, but it is entirely understandable. Hopefully the travel and convention scene will be in better state next year - and I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for the announcements you mentioned.

Plastic Mane

::eagerly awaits the SnydeCast::