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I’m actually back in my “just do the damn thing” era apparently??? *
(forgot Dagger’s freckles in the second panel sobs)

look Dakota is the cutest ever Idc I love her sm

*(the family bs has extended from my brother back to my mom again so if Drawing these pages keep my head above water that’s what I’m gonna do)




You have to follow what drives you. Sometimes it seems like you should be in control but as artists I’m not sure we ever really are - the more we let go and let things happen the better they get. As far as I can tell that’s always been true for me. This might sound weird but when a drawing/painting really goes right I feel like I’m the first person that got to see it, rather than the person who did it because it was so effortless. Sometimes you just need to let shit happen. It never leaves… just builds up. All that said I support 100%