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We continue our look through the films of Studio Ghibli to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Secret World of Arrietty! Arrietty, a tiny teenager, lives with her parents in the recesses of a suburban home. A secret friendship forms when 12-year-old Shawn meets Arrietty, but their relationship could spell danger for Arrietty's family.

And don't forget -- our next comic - JUPITER JET AND THE FORGOTTEN RADIO - is on sale -- Oct 07, 2020. Pre-order with your local comic shop today! DIAMOND CODE: JAN208635

Or Pre-order on AMAZON: https://amzn.to/2OiUcBb 




Yes! Excited to hear this one, I lowkey adore The Secret World of Arrietty, so I'm interested to hear what you guys say about it.