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Got a few things to say. First of, loved the reaction. It was amazing. Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson are the voice actors and mocap actors for Joel, and Ellie. Troy Baker was seen in Ep. 8, as James. The helper of the creepy pedo. And Ashley Johnson, which is hella poetic, was playing the mother of Ellie in the show. So that's really cool. Not sure if anyone told you about that yet. As for the 'cure'... This show doesn't really do it justice, but when it comes to making a vaccine, you need either a lot of test subjects, or a lot of luck. It's hard to make a vaccine for certainty with only one person, so it wouldn't even have been for sure to work. But perhaps it did, even then I don't think any of us would've accepted that. If you have a child, and especially lost one and got another chance to raise another, you are not going to let ANYTHING stand in your way to do that. (And also, Ellie did not consent to dying. She consented to helping, sure, but no one told her she would die. So the fireflies are as much at fault as Joel is.) And that's what I love about this game, and now show. Joel is nowhere near a good person. He has killed so many people. But he did it for the people he loves. He is the bad guy but yet we sympathize for him. And that's such an amazing thing. <3


so good, the feeling of watching this show and them getting to a scene that I obviously recognize from the games, hoping they add in my fav. parts, and they do that and so much more. On a somber note the ending has me so stressed for season 2, sad it can't be as simple as them living happily ever after together and the problem cant just be factors outside their bubble. :((