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Chapter 1

If there’s one thing that Myrridin hated about his body, that would be how short he was. Even as he ran as fast as he could, his shorter legs made it so that their far larger adversaries were catching up to them. Hell, he was already struggling keeping up with the three girls beside him and it didn’t help that he was already running on fumes with his empty stomach. He could feel his head starting to spin as he forced himself to keep running, ignoring it lest his former landlord catches up to them.

“Get back here you little shit!” The man shouted behind them, making him look back in surprise. He winced as he saw the man's now tattered shirt, frayed hair and noticeable lack of eyebrows as he ran after him. The man’s features twisted to a rictus of anger and hate as his eyes promised him nothing but pain if he catches up provided the young wizard with all the motivation to keep going.

“We need to shake them off!” Cersei shouted as people shouted in surprise as they barreled through the narrow back streets. Fear gripped his heart, their shouting got closer and closer.

“Already on it princess!” He shouted as he pushed people aside, apologized as does so, while pulling some stuff to slow them down but their adversaries were not one to be easily deterred. Hope was not all lost however as the main street was just up ahead. “Just straight ahead! If we can get to the streets, head straight for the nearest guard!” he shouted.

If they could just catch the attention of the city watch, they would finally be safe. Unfortunately, their path would soon be cut off by the grinning visage of one of his landlords friends. He couldn’t help but curse as he grabbed the girls and pulled them to one of the city's many branching side alleys.

As much as he hated his small size, it still had its perks as he could fit in through tighter and narrower streets. “Change of plan, follow me and try your best not to trip!” he instructed as they squeezed through the narrow streets. He winced as he bumped up against a poorly hammered in nail but he kept moving, afraid of what could happen if he were to stop.

It was dark, wet and the smell had his stomach turning but he powered through. “S-slow down! We can barely see at all!” One of the girls shouted but as much as she wanted to, there simply was not time.

“Less complaining, more running! There’s another alley at the end of this one but they’ll cut us off from the main street. Duck!” he panted as he ducked underneath a narrow beam, forcing them into a narrow crouch as the building above them all but swallowed up the street, leaving only this small rat hole to pass through. “Once we get to that alley, run away from the main street and straight for the docks! I have a way out.”

“A-alright!” the girls shouted in unison as they burst through in the other alley. He stumbled as he did so but thankfully he did so as a blade passed by where his neck was. The girls screamed as the looming figure of a man blocked their way with more coming from the main street.

Rolling to his side, he dug in deep into his already flagging reserves and aimed his staff at the man before he pushed. The man was sent flying, bowling over his friends as he did so. “Come on! Hurry up!” Cersei shouted, helping him up as his body started to ache from all the magic he was forced to do.

Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to keep going even as he had to hold on to Cersei who dragged him along. “Left!” he instructed, forcing them through another series of narrow streets. There they zigzagged along the route, cutting through the large city block and headed straight for the docks.

Finally, after running for what felt like an eternity, they burst out of the street much to the confusion of the dock workers. Cersei and the girls stumbled to a halt as he collapsed to his knees, out of breath as his limbs trembled. “I-I think we lost them,” Jeyne wheezed out, her soft form clearly not used to such strenuous activities.

“I-I’m never going out, ever,” Malera panted out as she leaned up against a post, doing her best to catch her breath. Surprisingly, Cersei did not look at all winded as she looked around frantically, trying to see if there was still danger abound.

“We lost them right?” the Lannister girl asked shakily as she looked ready to bolt at a moment's notice.

He was about to reply when he heard some screaming and shouting in the distance. Grabbing the girls, he pulled them behind some crates and crab cages to hide. “Shhh!” He hushed them before he peered from behind covers. Thankfully, they have yet to spot them but they were already causing a commotion in the docks as they grabbed some people, roughing them up as they asked for him.

“Fuck, can’t shake them off.” He cursed as he slid down. As much as he hates to admit it, they knew the place far better than he did. He was just a mere foreigner here, not a native like them. This did not sit well with the girls who started to panic.

“O-oh gods, I knew I shouldn’t have gone out today! I knew I should have just stayed at home!” Jeyne whispered half in panic and half in despair.

He clutched at his hair, doing his best to think through the haze of hunger until a plan came to mind. Turning to the girls and grabbing Malera, he asked “Do any of you know how to swim because I might have a plan that might just be insane enough to work.”

They looked back at him bewildered but it didn’t take long for Malera to reply, “Y-yes? All of us know how to swim,” Her confused look quickly turned to terror as she added, “W-wait, You aren’t seriously asking us to swim here are you? The waters far deeper than the cove we usually swim in and beside, where can we even go? We’re exhausted, we won’t get far.”

He grinned back as he got up and walked up to the edge of the pier and looked down, “Oh, I don’t actually need any of you to swim. I just need you to float.” he replied as he turned to the girls who looked at him as if he was mad. In hindsight, jumping off to the pier sounds like a longer, roundabout way to die, but he had an ace up his sleeve to get them as far away from here as possible.

“I need you to trust me, I won’t let any of you go. I promise,” He called out, holding his hands out to them as he glanced at the men chasing them. “Hurry! There’s not much time left!” He shouted urgently as his landlord was getting closer.

Reluctantly, Cersei stood up and grabbed onto his hands. With their mistress trusting him, the other two as well. Looking down, the 10 feet drop at the pier felt more daunting now that they needed to jump but he was already out of time; It was now or never. He held back a scream of terror as he leapt down at the water below.

He immediately regretted jumping down as soon as the waters of the harbor washed over them. The icy cold water stole the breath out of his lungs, almost pulling him under as he panic but he fought against his instincts as he forced himself to relax. With a gasp, he pushed himself out of the water’s surface to breathe in sweet, life giving air.

“Oh gods oh gods! Don’t let me drown!” Cersei shouted in panic as she grabbed onto him, wrapping her hands around his neck. He had to fight going under as he swam beneath the pier. Reaching up, he found an overhanging rope and pulled himself up.

“We're going to be safe!” He hissed out, as he looked around, trying to concentrate but Cerei was making it harder as she desperately clung on to him. “Just give me a few seconds!” he added, as he held out his staff and traced a circle.

A sparkling line was carved into the very air as he visualized the forest where he usually dropped himself off, blocking out everything until all he could see in his mind's eye was the path ahead. Like a spark in the dark, he felt a connection was made as a portal was opened before them. “Inside! Now!” He instructed as he pushed himself off one of the many pillars holding up the pier.

Passing through the portal, he found himself weightless for a second before he landed on solid ground with Cersei on top of him. He was about to pull himself up but he cried in surprise, as the other two landed atop him, burying him beneath their bodies. They were soaking wet and exhausted but finally, as the portal behind them closed, they were safe. “Everyone got through?” he called out as he tried to crawl out of the pile. Thankfully, no one was left behind as he heard three girls groan out in reply.

As he freed himself, he plopped down and rolled to his back and stared up into the leafy canopy above. Now that they were miles away from their pursuers, there was no chance they'd ever catch up to them. Just in time as well as he no longer had anything in his tank. Any longer and he might have passed out. He would need to eat soon but first, he needed to make sure the girls were ok. Forcing his head to turn, he watched the trio as he watched them get up to their feet.

“Where are we?” Jeyne asked in wonder as she shakily got up and looked around the wooded forest around them. There they were in the middle of the forest with a well cleared underbrush. This was where the town he usually visits cut their wood. He was about to reply when he was  lifted up by the collar of his shirt and slapped across the face.

Stunned by the sudden stinging pain to his checks, he just stood there as Cersei berated him, screaming at him, “Y-you-! How dare you put me in such danger! Don’t you realize how scared we were for our lives!”

He was taken aback by her anger, confused at how to respond but it wasn’t like she was going to allow him reply as she raged on, “And look at this! My dress is ruined, my shoes are covered with unspeakables, I’m soaking wet and I feel like I’m going to have a blister! I swear, once my father hears of this!” She was fuming mad, her dress in disarray and she was nearly in tears with anger and fear in her eyes.

As angry as she, he wasn’t going to just let her thread all over him. He met his glare with his own before he shouted back, “Well excuse me princess for being dumb enough to sneak out of your home without any escort. Who would have known that going without escort would be a bad idea! Oh I know, your hand maidens!” The girls shrank as they were called and he was sorry for dragging them to this but he was simply far too angry right now.

Cersei’s face turned red but he refused to let her make a retort as he continued, “Also, wouldn’t it hurt to be a bit more grateful! I just saved your fucking life and the first thing you did afterward is to complain to me? By god, how ungrateful can you be!”

He threw his hands up in the air in frustration as he started to walk away from them. “W-wait! Where are you going?” She asked him as she ran up to him but he ignored her as he marched on. “You can’t just leave me here! I don’t know where to go!” she called out as she grabbed on to his robe, forcing him to a stop.

He gritted his teeth before he signed and turned back to her. “Say your sorry and I’ll guide you back home,” he told her, giving her a simple ultimatum. Oh, he had no intention of actually living them behind. He simply needed some air but this girl and her stupid pride. If she can’t swallow it, there really is no hope for her.

The girl bit her lips, as she gazed away with her handmaidens pleading to her, “Please Cersei, just say you’re sorry. We’re cold and tired, we don’t want to be lost in the woods as well!” They pleaded.

“Ok fine! I’m sorry! Happy!” She shouted as she stomped her feet in anger while her face burnt with indignation.

He grinned back at her as he turned away and started heading to the nearby town. “H-hey! You promised you’ll take us back home!” She shouted angrily as she ran after him but he merely picked his pace up. “Please don’t lead us behind!”

“I am, just follow my lead!” He replied as a soft smile stretched across while he marched onward. As much as they did not like him right now, maybe they weren’t a lost cause after all. Thankfully for them, he really wanted to get them to safety, but first, he needed some food. He just prayed that he had the strength to get through all this.


The village elder’s gruff weathered face met them almost immediately after he knocked on the door. “What do you want?” The man asked before pausing as he gaze landed at the shivering girls behind him, particularly that of Cersei. Hiis mouth opened as a dawning realization came to him. “What the hell did you do boy!” the man then questioned him.

“Rescued some nobles and I might have just lost my house in the process. Need food, calling in my favor,” Myrrdin replied with a tired and defeated tone. His head was aching while his stomach rumbled in protest, He wanted food now.

“We’ll pay!” Cersei butted in through chattering teeth, making him turn to her with a frown. She met his gaze, almost daring him to say otherwise. “My family always pays,” she added. He wanted to protest but he was far too tired to do so so he just nodded along.

“Well why didn’t you say so?” The man replied as his features softened. Looking back, he called out ”Martha, we got some visitors! We still have some leftover soup from breakfast right?”

“Then why am I not seeing them? Let them in, you old goat!” Martha fired back, making the Elder roll his eyes as he gestured for them to come in.

Stepping in, he found himself once more in a homey cabin illuminated by the fire of the central pit where an old woman sat beside while stirring a large pot. It was larger than most houses around the area and actually made of solid wood rather than mere tatch and was plenty lit with the large windows opened.

“Oh my poor dears! Come, get yourself warmed up while I get you some clean rags to dry up,” as she shepard the girls closer to the fire before leveling a glare towards him, “and you! How could this happen to these girls? You have magic dancing at the very tip of your fingers yet you can’t defend them? What kind of wizard are you?”

“I was hungry…” He excused himself but even he knew it didn’t sound proper. It stung knowing he couldn’t fight back simply because he was simply too hungry to concentrate but it was how things were. He had magic but his body burned through food like there was no tomorrow.

“You and your stupid pride. You should have come by our house when you dropped by earlier. You could have eaten but no, you had to hurry back to the city,” the woman scolded him and he raised his hands in surrender. In hindsight, he should have done it. Best to just learn and move on.

Sitting by the fire with a warm bowl of soup in hand quickly eased the pain he felt. He drank the hearty soup of tubers and vegetables, careful not to burn himself as he did so. The two hand maidens eagerly ate their meals while Cersei looked at her bowl in distaste. “Don’t beat it till you try it,” he urged them, hoping to get her to eat before they make their journey.

Cersei made a face but the expectant look the older woman gave her as well the encouragement of her friends finally made her give. As she took her first bite, her eyes widened in surprise as she started digging in as well. “Thank you Martha. I really owe you this time around,”

“Oh nothing of that. I still have yet to repay you for the time you heal me after I fell,” The old woman replied as she gave him a pat on the head before she hobbled off to the backdoor, probably to tend to the herb garden she kept.

As they ate in peace, the warm meal filling their stomachs and easing their worries, Cersei called to his attention. “Mrrydin, about what happened earlier… It was unbecoming of me to scream at you. I shouldn’t have forgotten my station as that of a noble.” she started, giving him some pause as he looked up at her.

“But I have yet to forget your slight against me. Do that again and I shall have your head, understand?” She then threatened him, squashing what little hope he had about her earlier. She still had a long way to go but then again, she didn’t look an age older than 13 or 14 yrs old. She was still just a kid, he reminded himself.

“Of course my lady,” he replied evenly, holding back his tongue for now. He really didn’t want to make enemies now especially with a girl as petty and vindicated as Cersei.

The girl smirked as she replied “Good, it seems that as powerful as you are, you still know your station,”

He was about to dig in once more only to stop as he noticed the stare that Malera was giving her. Looking back at her questioningly, she then said “I don’t know Cersei… could he possibly be of Dragonseed?” Cersei frowned as she looked back at her while Jeyne murmured in agreement.

“What?” he asked her, wondering if he heard her right.

“You know, a bastard of the Targeryens?” Malera clarified.

He could barely hold back a groan as he reached up for the bridge of his nose and pinched them. “... I’ll put a stop to any that before this gets out of hand,” he replied as he grabbed his long luxurious mane before he said, “All of this is because of magic. The white hair, the purple eyes, everything.”

It wasn’t lost to him that he looked very much like the Targeryens of this world but it was mostly accidental. He really didn’t mean to look like the incestous dragon riders.

“If all of that is magic, then wouldn’t that make you far closer to the Targeryens or maybe even a lost Valyrian house! They rode dragons so they’re clearly magical,” Jeyne pointed out which had him sighing in frustration.

“Nope, not even remotely related to them. I was born in a far away land that is way beyond the Kingdom of Yi-Ti and I doubt they got that far even with Dragons,” He honestly replied, omitting the fact that he wasn’t a native of this world itself as he already had enough headaches dealing with people reacting to his magic. The less they know, the better he’s off. “I’m just some smallfolk by your standards. I’m well learned and magical but still very much a small folk,” he told them.

“You could have easily passed yourself as a noble, why not lie?” Cersei questioned him. Yes, he could lie, easily so but it was simply far too much lying for him. He liked to keep things simple and not have to thread his words carefully every damn time he talked. He was already lying about his origins, best not to make things too complicated.

“Do you realize how hard it is to keep up a good lie? I’m a terrible liar and besides, it’s not like I couldn’t earn it. I am a wizard and which noble wouldn’t want to have a court wizard,” he replied cockily. He had to be honest to himself, there was just a certain allure to earning nobility through one’s own merit. It was harder but he wouldn’t have to look at his back if he does earn it.

“My father certainly is always on the lookout for good men, why not try your luck in our court?” The girl then offered. Well, this was certainly a surprise but a welcome one at that.

“I’ve yet to take you to the Rock and you already offer a recommendation? My, you certainly know how to catch my attention,” he replied with a smile. It seems that his goal of catching a noble's attention was already underway. The fact that it was the Lannisters mattered little to him as they were on the winning side of the war or at least they changed sides. Plenty safe for his needs and it’s not like Cersei wasn’t half bad herself. He just needed to beat some manners into the girl but that was planning too far in the future. Best to just focus on what was happening now.

“Speaking of the Rock, why not just make a portal like you did earlier?” She then asked him.

“One, I wouldn’t want to be peppered with crossbow bolts by barging in unannounced. Two, I’m already spent as is. Do you realize how far away the rock is?,” He told them, lying about his portals. Yes, they knew about the portal but he’d rather have them know more about it than necessary. He let them build their own little answer to why he couldn’t go any further with what little he told them.

“Understandable,” the girl nodded, finally giving him peace to eat his now cold soup.

After he finished, he stood up and dusted himself off. “I’ll be out for a bit. I just need to retrieve some stuff before we go make the trek to the Rock,” he told them as he headed for the door.

“Is it really wise to go back?” Jeyne asked him as he got to the door.

“I don’t have anything aside from the clothes on my back and my stuff. I would really want to get some of my stuff at least. Meet me outside in a few minutes” he told them before he slipped outside.

He wandered off, finding a place where he didn’t have to worry about prying eyes. He’d also rather not have someone sneak up to him while he’s making a portal. Closing his eyes, he visualized his bedroom, letting his mind eye gaze down upon his bed he felt an all too familiar spark light up inside him. Carefully, he made a small circle in the air so he could have a small peephole to see if there’s anyone in his room.

Fortunately, his clinic looked deserted and didn’t burn down. He could not hear anything on the other side. There were some burns on the floor but it was not like he’ll live here after all this. Widening the portal, he stepped through and immediately got to work. He quickly got to his room and pulled out a small bag of coins, a large book and what little clothes he actually had.

He was about to jump through when he remembered that there was someone else inside the building. Quickly making his way to the kitchen, he grabbed the chicken he had left from all this commotion before jumping. “Don’t think I forget about you,” he told his pet as he finally slipped back to the village.

Walking back to the village Elder’s house, he found the man thanking Cersei profusely as he was handed a pouch of money. Considering she was a Lannister, it was probably more money than what they would see in their entire lifetime.

“Is that a chicken?” Cersei asked as she stared at the cage he held. “You came back to your house to get a chicken?”

“Her name’s Mordred,” He replied, making up the name on the spot. She was not going to be his dinner anytime soon so she was a winner. “Not only will she provide me with eggs but I shall teach her to carry my messages for me,” He did not know how Maesters trained their Ravens but if it had any hint of magic, he’ll soon learn it. If not, his attempts would at least provide him some entertainment.

“I… you know what, never mind,” The girl replied with a shake of her head. He reached inside the cage to pet Mordred, comforting the poor bird for Cersei’s lack of amazement at her luxurious feathers. She’ll get around, eventually.

“Best to get going now. It’s already midday. You should be able to get to Casterly Rock in an hour or two if you hurry. As safe as the lands are of our lord, best not to get caught out in the dark,”  The village Elder told them as he gave him and the girls some snacks to eat while on the road. The Rock might just be a stone throw away from where they were but that didn’t mean they shouldn’t hurry. It was already midday so best to get going.  

Bidding him farewell, he led his merry little group to the Rock. Taking one of the more public roads, they headed straight for the castle. Unlike modern roads that were paved, the roads they trekked were nothing more than dirt roads, carved into the very earth through repeated wear and tear of foot traffic rather than paved.

The walk was fortunately a silent one, with the girls remaining silent as they made their way. He made sure to stay at pace with them while staying ahead just in case they met some unsavory individuals in the way. It was unlikely but one must not be too complacent. Thankfully, they met no one as they traveled.

As they approached the large hill, the walls surrounding the lower part of the hill came into view. He could already make out the shapes of people manning the towers which meant they could see them as well. Turning to Cersei, he then asked “What excuse did you use to sneak out of the castle?”

“What makes you think we used an excuse?” the girl asked a little bit smugly which did not bode well. He immediately reached for his pouch and one of the snacks and munched on it.

“You snuck out? This might be a problem…” He replied as he swallowed his treat.

“And why’s that?” She asked him with a raised brow.

He merely sighed as he watched one of the side gates slowly open up. “The three of you suddenly went missing and it’s already midday, how worried do you think your father would be?” He pointed out. Considering how much time had passed, the girl's absence would have already been noted and he’d be surprised if they weren’t tearing apart the castle looking for them.

“Ohh…” The girl whispered softly as he saw fear creep up in her eyes. Cersei was going to get a tanning once she got back home, especially with the state of her dress.

As the gates opened, he watched in dread fill his stomach. Gripping his staff tightly, he gestured at the heavily armored horsemen as he said, “Speaking of the devil, here comes a whole contingent of knights. I do hope you won’t throw me under the stage coach just for your convenience.”

The young girl blustered as her cheeks lit up. “I would never!” she shouted, earning her a sigh of relief from him. Words meant little but did it’s job in easing some of his worries.

As the knights hundred to their position, he motioned for the girls to stop as he lifted his hood up and raised his hand in surrender, showing that he was unarmed. The girls immediately pulled their hoods down as well, just in time as the knights surrounded them, circling them.

“Halt! Halt in the name of the Lord Paramount-! Cersei? Is that you?” The lead rider, a blonde man with a well groomed beard, called out as he motioned for

“Umm… I’m back?” Cersei replied as she shrunk under the man's disapproving glare.

The man then turned his attention towards him, his eyes narrowed while his hand rested on his sword’s pommel. Surrounded, Mrrydin had no illusion that if he did something funny, he'd be breathing through numerous new holes but he couldn’t help himself quip, “You wouldn’t believe how much trouble she caused me today,”

The man was about to reply when he paused as both of them saw someone dismount and approach him from the edge of his vision. He quickly turned his head to see who it was.

“You Targaryen prick, what the hell did you do to my sister!” A voice shouted and before Myrridin could reply, he felt the cold, hard steel of an armored glove hitting his cheeks as a blonde teen no older than he was currently came barreling at him with all the fury their frame could muster. All he could think of as the ground got closer and closer was just how well the boy threw his punch and before he knew it, he blacked out.



Good chapter, glad to see this updated, I was going mad looking for the previous chapter, I couldn’t remember where I’d read it but I won’t forget now 😂 hope this is updated soon


You seem to be liking this commission quite well. Also, thoughts on Cersei so far? Trying my best to find the right balance of bratty, a bit of smarts but none of the wisdom, and still redeemable

taylor smith

Agreed pls continue