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Heya! This post comes in contrast to the last one. Where the previous doodle was very off the cuff, this batch of drafts were created with the intention to refine my anatomical skills. To be honest, once I finally got a foothold things just started flying! I'm really happy with this result for only a couple hours of sketching.

Up first is the base for Wiz's Poll artwork! I wanted to go full body on the piece to allow for  some extreme size alts. I expect there to be 2-3 size alts once I focus in on getting work on her done.

Second is a draft of Vannie, uh...."inspecting" her "merchandise", you could say. Sometimes you just gotta appreciate what you have!

Thirdly is a quick draft of a surprisingly not-gremlin Sarah. I don't think this one will be completed, but it is here as a bonus for everyone to view c:

And finally are a few head-up practices that I did to start the day off. Included are two of Vannie, one of Sarah, and one of Lumé, my slime who was last drawn in 2021! Its been a while, and I've been feeling the urge to do more art of slime girls, so I think that will show up in the future some time.

That is all for today! I expect another post tomorrow, but whether or not it is more drafts or work on one of the few projects above, I can't say for sure just yet! I had been in quite the creative funk these last few days, and honestly this was the breath of fresh air I needed to get things rolling again.

I eagerly look forward to getting more content in everyone's hands! Thank you for supporting all I do, I can't thank you all enough ^-^
