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Pertaining to my previous post, I haven't got Rachnera's Reprise finished just yet, as I've taken some time off.
There are a handful of reasons as to why it's been taking so long...

The main reason is because my girlfriend is transitioning jobs. This transition period has taken a little longer than expected, resulting in her having two weeks off work!
She's been spending all of her time around the house. I don't like throwing blame on people, but trust me guys, I can't focus on animation, she's so clingy 😒
So I decided to take some time off with her, and I'll be picking the pace back up when she goes back to work (hopefully next week god pls 🙏)

And the second biggest reason, is because Blender is sucky.
I very quickly remembered why the first Rachnera animation ("Rachnera's Rough Wrangling") took three months to animate, and was a nightmare to work with...
It's because of the webs. There's definitely a more optimised method of creating webs, but these things are all over the scene, and dynamically bind to each part of Miia's tail using Geometry Nodes.
With all webs on viewport, my Blender is previewing the animation at ~3fps 😬
Haha, I'm never doing this again 😄

Despite the delays, I've still been chipping away at the animation bit by bit.
I've completed three minutes so far, and I'm only aiming for the animation to be four minutes long. I really just wanna get this project out of the way, as I'm REALLY excited to start creating the animation for Octo. I already have that animation planned out with a full intro sequence.
I love animating snake tails to move as realistically as possible. Just you wait see what Imma cook with an octopus 🐙

Small general update -
With ditching the schedule, I will be committed to posting at least once per week on Patreon.
That's no-more than seven days without a post. I will be giving detailed progress and image previews of my work more often.

Rachnera's Reprise should release in about a week, hopefully less.
Sorry again for any frustration in delays.

Thank you all for supporting me 🐍💖




Get your more than deserved rest, work by little by little and you’ll enjoy it more easily. Rest is as important as work. Good luck reaching the end, you’re almost there! We’ll be here, patiently waiting

Ruy Ramos de Mattos

Take your time, also be whit your girlfriend, some of us don't even have one to even be stressed about, care about her, and yourself, you don't know when you might miss the person next to you. Normally we only care when we don't have it anymore.

Psymon Byesford

You're doing a good job homie, just do your thing at your own pace. Take life one day at a time and do hobbies like this when you have the chance


Be relax. We all here like your work. But we all here like you to be happy and unstress on your work. Getting stressed about it, is getting sick of it. The quality of your talent reflect your hapiness, I personnaly only want to see this (ur joy) in your work than see you in bad mood. Bad mood = not the Elasid's work. Also, did you notice my ankle ? You'll never got one like this. (I'll also never get the talent that is yours.) lesson of today ; stop watching at people's ankle. Long life and prosperity.

Lucky Cat gaming

Hey...important thing is that you're being active again. Regardless of how long it takes, those 3-4 animations you had for months were...well...you can imagine person can get bored of them pretty fast if they rewatch it a lot, so what really matter is now is that you keep up being active and in touch with community! And reporting progress and stuff, that speaks volumes!

Jake Purvis

I can only speak for myself, but I'd much rather have to wait a bit longer for a top quality work, than get it earlier and have it be not as good as it could've been. don't stress about taking "too long".


Thank you for all your hard work! I can't say much else, but it was good to take some time off for your girlfriend! Glad your taking breaks though! I'm so proud of ya bud! You're doing awesome! Hahaha!! ^_^

Ghost In The Machine

Love your work so more than happy to wait for the fun you bring with your animations <3

project miku

Please take your time your quality is so good that it would be really sad to see that diminish just for some deadline