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So I have decided that once a month I will have a whole week off.

After today having my day ruined when I was supposed to work on new stuff I've had a performance issue and I spent all day trying to fix it which wasted the day that I was supposed to work on new stuff.

And so I decided in order to give me enough time in case if I have performance issues and also at least have a day to just relax after doing the requests.

I will be doing a whole week break, once a month. This would give me enough time to be able to fix anything that needs to be changed or if information or rules were not implemented that I forgot about, if they weren't fixed this ends up wasting time.

For me personally it's hard to think of everything especially with a lot of responsibilities, I never thought I would be in this position and have never managed things at this scale.

So by giving myself a complete week (7 days) This will allow me to have time to think of everything that needed to be changed and make fixes, along with making things more efficient in the long run.

I hope you guys understand, I tend to forget quite a lot Even if I write it down to remember I end up getting easily distracted on something else like the performance problem for example and then forget to check back.

You guys can still make requests(for those who haven't already) and I will be back on Monday next week, From here on out I will have the week off every second week of the month.

I still strive to not have max limits on requests, so as soon as your request is made you can request again. The google sheets will have the info if you are next, top is first and bottom is last that are in white.

I apologize for the inconvenience of waiting longer. I personally don't want to burn myself out and have no time to fix and improve things.