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Chai should not have said he was afraid of spiders. Especially robot spiders.

Because I was listening.


All in all... V1-RS not the best-written villain, no denying that. He has all the narrative depth and complexity of a rabid dog. But considering he is one of the aspects of the story I made up as I went, I don't think he came out too bad. He didn't have a backstory at first, he couldn't talk either. He was just another mindless machine taken in by a computer virus. 

I changed it as I was drawing page 24.  Everything that came after wasn't in the original script. He wasn't planned. He was pure improv. V1-RS just kind of... came into being as the story progressed. The fact that he was made by Roxanne? I added that as I was drawing that very page. V1-RS mimicking voices? That simply seemed like a fun thing to do in the moment. His ability to repair himself? That's just what my hands happened to draw when I storyboarded those pages so long ago.

Although this could have gone disastrously wrong... somehow it all worked out? Cause like...

The thing that made Chai a force to be reckoned with in the game wasn't his musical robot powers but his cockroach-like ability to survive whatever the baddies threw at him. Every time they thought they got him, he was back 5 minutes later to smash up another department. That made Chai scary. That, his out-of-the-box thinking, and his ability to call upon his allies.

Giving all those same qualities to V1-RS makes him a frightening villain. Let Chai have a taste of what Vandelay's robots felt when facing him... but with none of the humor or whimsicality.

V1-RS is a "wonderful" accident. It makes me wonder how much better he could have been had I properly planned out this story. But I have no regrets. It's still a fanfiction, after all. I don't need perfection in this case. He made for a fun addition to the comic as he is. 

I think V1-RS proves how much a story can be elevated by sheer force of presentation. If you have to sell a turd, you better glitter the fuck out of it.



Nice Demon Queen

God, I love this explanation of V1-RS. It’s great this character of yours was improvised. It’s a scary reflection of Chai and this intelligent ai. Happy accidents by Bob Ross.


god i can't get over how amazing this design is. while reading the comic, i fully understood why chai was entirely frozen in fear when he first got a full glimpse of it i left a comment like this over on comicfury, but it really reminds me of the multiple different robot designs in 9 (the movie) in the best way possible. they were such a good contrast against the movie's cartoony doll protagonists, and V1-RS has a very similar effect by decaying from a bright and colorful design from the canon game into this absolute nightmare


I saw your comment! So that was you who left so many of them! I really loved reading through all your throughts. And yeah, I remember the 9 movie. That was a long time ago. Super unique film though. With a killer trailer soundtrack. But the main reference I used to design V1-RS was actually the endo-skeletons from the FNAF animatronics. Because this character follows a similar principle of hiding its gritty, unpleasant frame inside a sleek, unasuming body.