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These powerful and soothing affirmations will help you:

- Letting go of your feelings for your ex-partner

- Be optimistic and feel good about yourself

- Feel comfortable with your new situation

- Be confident that good things are ahead

- Always feel safe, peaceful and happy

- Be able to easily love and feel loved

- Become more confident each day

- Always be in full control of your life

- Feel happy, refreshed and renewed

- Letting the past go and moving on

- Have a bright future ahead of you

- Be ready to meet new great people

- Wake up full of energy and motivation

- Be ready for the next chapter in your life

- Attract honest, loyal, kind and happy people

- Have kind and generous friends that help you

- Be a strong-minded person that can easily relax

- Always make wise choices based on logic and knowledge

- Be an attractive and lovable person that deserves to be loved

- Look forward to a bright future filled with laughter, joy and happiness

For best results listen at a low and comfortable volume, at least 3 to 6 times every day. Results are different for each person, but most people start noticing changes after 2 to 6 weeks when used consistently. Headphones or earbuds are optional. Unisex

This formula includes frequencies, please, don't listen whilst driving or using heavy machinery, and make sure to drink enough water to accelerate the results!

Happy results! :)



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