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Mythra won the poll!

Just got into Xenoblade 2 story, and the game looks cool! I just learned that Shulk wasn't the main hero in this one also haha!

Anyways, I'm havinhg a few personnal problems atm (nothing too alarming, I'll stay alive lol), soooooooo I'd like to do something without killing myself at work for this one. I'll try to provide good visuals, but I might not go too crazy into details with the background. Same format as usal, 3 pictures with 8ish variants. I hope you'll enjoy this one regardless!

If you're new around here, let me explain the reward system to you:

Everyone gets a set of pictures for the character who won the poll this month. You can get it whatever the tier you chose by subscribing here. And so, to make sure everyone gets the reward properly (and avoid leaks), I'm sending these to the mailbox you used to make your Patreon account.

I'll send you a private message on Patreon once it is sent, to make sure you didn't miss it!

The reward usually takes a week or so to be done, so please wait for the notification before checking your mailbox! Thank you for your patience!

If you have any trouble getting it again, please let me know! It may also end up in your spam or trash bin section, make sure to check there as well!

Anyways, thank you everyone again for your support and let's go for another month!



Toad Stoole

Damsel hmm? I think I know where this takes place

Toad Stoole

But more importantly…. God it’s beautiful. I’ve needed this for so long and I can’t wait for it to hit my mailbox 😫😵


I pray for self-worship image, it would be hot