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Hellllo everyone! We are back again today to wrap up the second episode of Bon Voyage - Season 4 - Episode 2!! Finally in our quarters and having some time to play around in the snow! Hehe I love this season already, and we are only on episode 2. I can't wait to see the other adventures these boys get into in New Zealand! 😭😉😂🥰


Bon Voyage Season 4: Episode 2 [Part 2]

Watch Landon Andries's video about Bon Voyage Season 4: Episode 2 [Part 2]. Find the best moments, speech, people, objects, text, and more.


Tia Bee

What they were drinking in the tinkling cups was soju, not beer. Soju is a Korean alcoholic drink more similar to vodka than beer.


The part where they were talking about how Tae made a basket and it was culture shock and they had never seen it before - he had taken the bag of snacks and made it into a little bowl that sits upright. I've seen people do this with chips and things. It's a cute way of serving them when you don't have a bowl. I love how enamored the boys are with the dogs. And it's nice to hear that Yoongi was feeling the most comfortable on BV. How amazing are those mountains too.