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**SPOILER AHEAD** (excerpt from Heat)

He strained to get at her, his arms stretched behind him as his powerful body lunged and tensed against the bonds that held him fast. His teeth flashed mere inches from her face, his crazed eyes wide and terrifying. His black fur hung lank and stringy, weighed down with saliva and offal, and a miasma of his odor hung thick and heavy in the stale air. Autumn seemed to notice none of it, and stood calm and unconcerned in front of him. They watched, then, as Autumn brought her palm to her mouth and bit down. The scent of her blood trickled through the air as she lifted her palm towards the maddened beast, growling soft words as she did so. See me. Know me.

At the scent of fresh blood the beast went into a frenzy, snapping and howling, joints twisting and popping as he lunged frantically against his chains. Autumn simply held her bleeding palm up towards him calmly. Larissa held her breath, hoping that her suspicions were true. Hoping the girl wasn’t about to lose her arm. She felt Tsuki tense beside her, ready to spring and pull Autumn away, but she laid her hand against him. Wait, she told him wordlessly. Just wait.

Frantic in his need for blood the beast’s tongue flicked out between his huge fangs and swiped at his nose, then again farther, eager for the taste of it. Autumn thrust her palm forward. His tongue flicked against her hand and withdrew, coated in red. He roared savagely, snapping his fangs together as Autumn murmured and rumbled ancient words as him...


Sketch from my personal sketchbook.  Can't wait for you guys to read it!



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