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I got a listener request to delve into what it's like to be with someone for a first time.
I'll probably do a ramble to properly answer some of their questions, but it inspired this little roleplay...

Let me assure you, first times are always a little awkward. No one knows what they're doing. But keep it light, and if you're uncomfortable, you can always back out. <3

Premise: You're both newbs. Cute n00bs.

"So how far have you gotten?
Hand holding??
Is that even first base?!
I’m pretty sure you haven’t even started running yet!
Still on the home plate hanging out with the umpire!"

Original Script by Skitty

Inclusivity Note: Audio should be safe for all listeners, regardless of gender identity. I call you "bud" and "buddy", but imo, gals can be buddies too! :3

🎨 Art: shima

Why are bases so complicated??!! 🤣

This visualization by xkcd is fun though. First base and homerun has always been pretty straight forward to me. Everything else in between??... Well, I think it comes down to personal interpretations.

Do you agree with those "bases"?

》Too shy to comment or critique? I'll close my eyes... Feedback for Skitty



The Frog

Ooo I like the tags. Love me some good ol wholesome content.


Ya a lovely wholesome part from mommy skitty to enjoy ☺️❤️


Skitty! Wanna go to a baseball game with Teddy!? I actually suggest local minor league teams as a fun first date. None of the pressure of a major league. At least for minor league baseball it's just a big group picnic.


It's been so long since I've been to a ball game! Only if we get hot dogs 🌭


Haven't listened yet but that's such a sweet and cute concept. I'd imagine it's probably hard to pull this off well, but I'm very excited to give this a try tomorrow.


Sounds cute. Probably too cute. Not sure I'm ready for a trip back to those awkward times, but I'll put a pin in this for later.


Anyone else like, "this needs a part 2"


Cue embarrassing memories >_< I've got those compartmentalized and repressed! lol

Cynder Rosalia

soothing yet informative. A wonderful combination, Skitty~ :3


For some reason the beginning conversation into the first kiss made me tear up/cry and had my heart pounding—i haven’t finished the audio yet but its really good!


So, this one time at band camp.. Do like me some wholesome degeneracy that's for sure, thank ye for the audio Skitty, 😊. Also, what do you mean breat-*THUMP*


This was so cute and cuddly, my favorite! Thank you for the smoochies mama skitty! I had a big dumb grin on the whole time listening to this one, I loved it! :3

Sleepy 94

It feels so good please part2


Aw, wish i could send you a big hug (⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ


Oh no! Who knows CPR?!! Where's that distractible doctor when you need her?


that was very cute def need more of this story


This was a really nice listen, your voice is so soothing :)


Reminding me of how sweet my first kiss was, how dare you!


It's funny to think about how cute that awkwardness is from a semi-third-person perspective. When your brain isn't freaking out that you're going to screw something up XD Thanks as always for the comfy audio, Skits ❤️


As someone who hasnt gone out on the baseball field yet this is cute and hot at the same time


Skitty sure does have Charm, but I'm pretty sure Skitty can't Sweet Kiss. Very sus... I've got my eye on you!


Takes me back. Loved it. A second part would be absolutely wonderful ♥️


As someone who didn't get up to bat until my mid 20s due to chronic depression and social anxiety this is great but also bittersweet, when it comes to playing the field it's nice for me to imagine having gotten to LEARN WITH someone you trust who is at least in the same ballpark as you rather than being TAUGHT BY someone you barely know who's spent years in the major league.


*hugs* I hope your next special friend will be someone you'll feel more comfortable with.


Xkcd always knows how to make complex or awkward subjects funny. (And as one who has had not much experience, this hits home.)


I just wanted to say that I loved the audio. It felt a little difficult for me, but it felt nice and intimate in the end. It's very bittersweet on a few levels currently, but it's nice to explore these feelings or ideas a little. I’m really proud I actually clicked and managed to enjoy and feel present listening. It's a little rough currently and my healing journey is at an awful spot, so it feels like it matters currently to write about my feelings, figured I'd try, share and untangle a bit. The main reason I’m hurting lately is that I feel I’ve been broken again in terms of emotional vulnerability and self worth the way I had over half a decade ago, and no humans could ever feel safe or ok. Physical intimacy hasn't been and isn't necessarily a goal of mine, but if core issues can’t heal again and are this inaccessible I won’t be ready for any anymore and it adds to some difficulty of getting myself to work on these feelings or listen to these. I’m not really sure how to harbor a mind space for healing or growing on that end like last year and that’s the worse feeling since I get serious stress or trauma responses unrelated to this, while I’ve no active desire or longing for this. It’d help if I had an excuse for it. And while the video is really nice and I try to comment, I’ve no idea what rough issues it brings up and it’s too much for now. Bonds or friendships or safe people are difficult right now, and this is way after that for me. It’s as if 5 years of agony and desperation and first ever hopes in people or the world were abused beyond repair and I’ve no idea how to go forward without receiving the fairness I needed to see growing up, and more. It genuinely feels blocked again and I really dread having to go through the healing process or agonize so much again at all. My healing and healthy behaviors were too precious. It feels as though whatever was happening brought every bit of the trauma back and prevented me healing ever again, I want or need fairness so bad and to a higher scale than how it was broken once again. It used to be worse, but it’s unbearable after I had healed so much. I don’t know why to live or hold on anymore. I really need a traumatic thing to be addressed properly to start working on intimacy at all just like before, and it feels like every bit of work I agonized through obsessively were broken beyond repair and that I’ll never have a chance at a bearable life for a first time ever ever, idk how to convey that or the extent of wrongs I saw around me. The bridge or phoenix to heal feels gone. If all goes beyond anything perfect, secure, safe and so on going forward, I feel like it’ll take long to heal, and it’s unbearable I spent every bit of my soul on this. The more inane core has been triggered and active and feeling like life or death for over a year and it’s so many old hells at once. I’ve no idea how to soothe or function normal again, it won’t stop and I can’t address it.


There's gotta be a good joke about cheating here, between its different meaning in terms of relationships and the recent cheating scandals in Pokémon VGC. Maybe even a triple entendre (oh baby, a triple!); if we liken Game Sharking to doping/steroids, then we can get the baseball metaphor involved too.


Shit, I've never even been asked to play. And the wizard thing is bull, no powers here :(


Someone definitely feels how I feel


“Last night I dreamt, That somebody loved me, No hope, no harm Just another false alarm, Last night I felt, Real arms around me, No hope, no harm Just another false alarm” Great work as always Skitty, this one hits hard


“First bases aren’t so bad” she says, after nearly sprinting a full lap of the diamond. 🤣


makes whos on first so much more interesting