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i hadnt planned for this to be cyprus, but i just ended up colouring him like that so i guess someone is mad at him...maybe he finally got caught with that cursed book of his.... 




OH MY GOODNESSS THIS TURNED OUT AMAZING ;O; I adore his expression like holy heck he looks like he is trying so freaking hard to hold back but DAMN he is struggling so bad OMG!!! The look of whatever he is carrying trying to come out but no way to ahhhh thats so good a lovely touch and the way he is sweating OMG poor boy is going through hell ;o; Ahhhhh gosh dangit Cyprus what even happened ;o; I love him with his hair down btw he looks so effing cute but gosh sweetheart defo in for it ;o; Also love the shibari so much ;o; But AHHHH this turned out amazing tbh holy buttercream and cinnamon buns ;o; ((Also the little touch of him lactating just a smidge is HELL YES okay ahhh this turned out so good <3 )) I swear your doing more amazing each drawing and each monthly poll expressions poses the way everything is put together your doing amazing and its always a joy to see keep it up!!!!! <3


AHHHHH thank you!!! Cyprus has certainly got himself into a sticky situation and it looks like he's going to be stuck for a while! And all your compliments mean so much to me thank you!! 😭💖💖


Oh no! Cyprus can only hold back the inevitable before nature and his body makes the choice for him. Birth denial is both evil but oh so much fun and delicious. I love the dynamic angles you've take lately with a lot of pieces they've really popped as of late (pun intended). You've been on fire lately!


He really can, it's just a waiting game to see what breaks first! I'm sure by the time he's allowed to push it won't take much at all to get it out! And thank you so much 💖💖 I've been trying to have some more interesting poses in the rewards so I'm glad they've been working out! It means a lot to me that you've been enjoying everything!