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Hey everyone. Here's where I'm at:

 Larson Part 2 : 0% rendered

School Library Study Action: 90% rendered 0% scripted

Intro Part 3: 100% rendered 100% scripted

Temporary Intiniative Location: 100% designed

Basic Initiative Training:  100% designed

Bonus content: Additional Coercion scene for Mom from the last Milestone: 100% Rendered 0% Scripted

Possible addition: Kelly Library reRenders 0%

So I'm finishing up the renders now. I'm almost done with study actions, and then I'll be tying the images into the game and writing the scripts for it. I plan to have that done tonight, and be releasing a new Test Build for all my $20 supporters tomorrow. I have added a possible addition to the list if I have time after finishing Larson, which would be a remake of the library scenes with the new Library location. I may end up waiting for my new computer for this though, as it currently takes 4-5 hours per render for the library and I'd need to make 20 images. We'll see. It depends on how long Larson takes. 




I'll have two computers, but I'll be using one for rendering and one for everything else?

B Kinney

Depends more on the quality of your GPU (Calculations) and Memory (Hold the results until saved). But really Pick the shot you want. Then remove say the chairs and anything else from the scene that doesn't show up in the shot. THEN render.