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I've been meaning to revisit my burly enemy-turned-ally Power Rangers' character General Tytax for ages it feels like. Both for me and the folks in my Discord who love PR and have shown interest in this big fella! Some of you who have been part of this patreon/my twitter for long enough that you may remember this bloke from a page-long comic with his 'mate' the Grey Ranger and I wanted to do a bigger, more character-focused pin-up of him. Originally Tytax was the big bad's main general of his planetary forces but was betrayed to his supposed death after a massive explosion on that distant planet. In the aftermath he found himself on the mostly desolate planet with two of his ranger adversaries. But being forced to live alongside, cooperate with, and eventually falling for your one-time nemesis really changes a guy. Eventually, decades in the future when the team is reassembled with new members (and some old ones), Tytax joins their cause to take down his old boss once and for all and in the process becomes the Black Ranger! Oh and his zord is the Smilodon!

*Sigh* I wish I had time to write the whole story out somewhere but for now a piece I'm happy with and a too-brief description. : /




I love hot daddies, but hot daddies in tight gear is just perfect <3


This guy is super cool! And quite handsome, I imagine he'd be very cozy company if you've in his good graces. You've got a really great knack for the beastial 90s Saturday morning cartoon fare with your stuff. I love seeing it since I was weaned on it myself, and you wield it so well! Plus like... So many of these sorta guys were so cute. And I'd be down to check out what you have in mind for this fella!


Thx mate! Yeah he's one of those, loyal to a fault types, which unfortunately gets exploited to his detriment in the early parts of this story. Luckily he gets his redemption arc, putting aside long-held prejudices and all that. :]