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Hey guys,

Thanks to everyone who played the recent special and took part in the corresponding poll. I can announce the winner, which was the sheer dress. It came top as both first and second place preference (with 60% putting it in their top 2) and it is, therefore, the clear winner. It was fairly close between the remaining outfits, however, the “authoritarian” outfit came second, followed by the bondage outfit, then the bikini and then the military outfit. 

The poll winner and the new alternate outfit for Miss Newman.

After the big win for transparent underwear during the last poll, I knew I had to include at least one sheer option for Sally. Due to limitations in the software this turned out to be a lot more difficult than I was expecting. I had to create the dress by modifying the top half of a swimsuit and a mini-skirt, with the belt positioned to hide the seam between the two. I must also make a slight confession, that the decision to make the transparency of the new clothing variable (for both the underwear and the dress) was as much down to technical issues as it was an artistic choice. However, despite the challenges creating the outfit, I am very happy with the look and I don’t envision any problems implementing it in the game. Part of the reason for making the Mykock’s Manor specials is that I never really know if there are going to be technical issues with a clothing item until I’ve used it in a scene. Testing the transparent clothing on the Manor girls really helped me iron out a lot of potential issues.

Making the special also reminded me that I really need to make some progress implementing the new cafeteria outfit in the next update as well (the transparent underwear will still need to wait a little longer, I'm afraid). So, after making the special I devoted a couple of weeks to writing and rendering all the scenes necessary to introduce the new smaller aprons. As Reilly mentioned during the special, the girls won't be topless to begin with. However, we will be taking a big step towards that in version 0.16. I won't go into too much detail about what happens, however, after the twins turn up to kitchen duty dirty; the headmaster is forced to upgrade the cafeteria with new washing facilities and to provide the girls with a new cafeteria uniform. 

The school board inspecting the new cafeteria washing facilities and uniform

I did say I was hoping to release a short and sweet update at the end of April. However, my plans have changed a fair bit since then. I spent about a week and half on Mykocks manor, plus a little over two weeks implementing the new cafeteria uniforms. So, that's about four weeks I’ve managed to put myself behind schedule already. I am also going to need a little more time than I initially anticipated introducing Sally's new outfit. Plus, to be entirely honest, I struggled a bit over the writing for Samantha’s content and got stuck over that for a little while. So, all I can say at the moment is the next update is delayed by about six weeks or so. On the positive side, more development time just means a bigger and better update and version 0.16 is shaping up to be a good one.

So, in summary then, in addition to Samantha's content, the start of Liz’s punishment system and some new scenes for Lucy, as previously announced, the next update will also see the introduction of the new cafeteria uniforms as well as a new outfit for Sally. However, due to the expanded scope, the release date will need to be pushed back a little to early summer. Also, I've nearly got enough new scenes made for another big batch of image previews and I'll release those to the teacher tier in about a week's time.




I love the image from the new kitchen shower with Ruth standing there. It makes me think we are sloooowly but surely corrupting Ruth along side the rest of the school.

Simon Roberts

The next update is looking like it`ll be great again. I don`t mind waiting as you always do great content, plus it`s also good to revisit some of my favourite scenes through the replay menu. You do wonderful work, I always enjoy your updates.