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I had first seen "Alien" a long, long time ago, as a child, and hadn't seen it again until about a month ago. I had this memory of the movie being quite good, and I knew that it was praised by many in the horror space, and even throughout the wider film culture -- and yet, revisiting it for the first time in years was so good. It made me realize how much I miss well-written characters, especially a great female lead. The film does so much with so little -- sparse music, sparse and dark visuals, rare sightings of the titular alien... The whole film just lets itself breathe, with no obnoxious music trying to tell me how to feel, and, by god, no characters cracking jokes every five seconds. Overall, it was such a great watch, and I knew that I was going to draw Ripley at some point. XD

Do you have any favorite horror or thriller films? Any that you think might be underrated in particular?






Steve Baillargeon

Truly magnificent: I'm a huge fan of the Alien franchise (especially the 2 first films) Your rendition of Ripley is so well-done: once again, congratulations ! 😁👍👏