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Hi, how are you? I am Edith Rodriguez. Today I want to teach you a technical way to be able to give relief to some affected muscle. Maybe you are studying or working. Today we are going to make homemade compress. What I am doing right now is ... I have boiled hot water here, then I have put a cloth or peace of cloth that you have at home, any type of cloth, there is no problem. Bring it to a boil, wait a few minutes, then turn it off. We take out the cloth that is hot, shake it until all the water comes out to prevent it from leaking and causing discomfort. Compresses are usually made with seeds, or we can find them in gel. Right now what we are doing is a homemade compress. We drain, we drain we drain we drain to also prevent you or the patients from burning should be totally drained.

We are going to accommodate, we know that our patient is now a bit thin, come with me please, (I follow you, I follow you). OK right.

Now let's put the compress pad. The patient has to be correctly positioned with the parallel arms, the legs also parallel so that there is a good blood supply the patient has to be face down and we put (the compress) in the lower back, The heat has to be a pleasant heat It does not have to burn nor do we have to sport it, the heat is going to go down little by little. The recommended thing is 15 minutes. I want to show you these compresses so that we can save time, suddenly there is a pain in the neck area, in the lumbar area as we say physiotherapists, the cervical area or in the area of

the schituvials if there is an injury to avoid contractures, also to prevent Contractures, this is mostly done after a few massages and that's it. I hope it helps.

Link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/HhmzeqdTCQ4b2Wxf6


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