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Hopefully meetings are done


The Villain Alan Black

Not gon lie feel like I should be paid after all these meetings 😂


I promise that the talking is very important

Fernando Perez

That time I got reincarnated as something that could’ve been an email.


Looking at how they ended it, im pretty sure all the meetings are finished, pretty hyped for the war stuff even tho im anime only

Jamaal Ellison

Nope next episode they're gonna a have discussion about the meeting they just had then they'll have a conference about the next meeting to plan the next big gathering.


Reincarnated as a yapper omfgggggggg

Hishirou Shin

All these meetings to build up action, just for Rimuru to kill them all. 😂


They really think the meetings are over 💀


That time I got Reincarnated into a weekly yap session 😭


That's what kills me about this anime. They do all this yapping and strategic discussions just to be effortlessly wiped by slime and his overpowered crew .

Tre Staples

Board Meeting Simulator 🤣🤣And I say that as someone who read the LNs, I forgot just how many exposition dumps there are

Hishirou Shin

We all know Rimuru is OP from the start. I get that Rimuru wants to make peace, but the other side doesn't want it. But for the love of God, we all know where this is going to end: a clash between sides, and Rimuru wins. There's no need for these meetings if we all know how it will end up. 😂


Imagine coming home from your 9-5 to watch slime only to be reminded of your 9-5😂


How are we 6 episodes into the season and it’s been nothing but chatting. Granted Diablo did some stuff in the first ep JUST TO LEAD TO NOTHING BUT TALKING. I luv this anime a lot but man


shit, i think one of the chairs changed. everyone else notice that? might be part of the plot


Thats like saying there's no point in ever making any plans or discussion in Shonen anime. We're always going to win, duh, so why even watch?

Hishirou Shin

I'm just saying, why do we need to have this entire meeting episode when we all know what will happen? 😂 There's a better way to make the exposition entertaining rather than just having everyone in one room talking about all this stuff.


Not even close to being the same. Not every anime has one character that can solo the villians to the point where it’s hilarious. There are usually atleast stakes involved. In this anime case, there are none.


There are anime where the character's talking just absorbs me into the world like Frieren and Odd Taxi, etc. And sadly .. Slime ain't one of em amd I'm a little sad that it's not.

Hishirou Shin

That's what I'm saying😂 I don't like shounen that much, but at least the protagonist and the villain in shounen are on the same level. Here, Rimuru is super OP😂 like we pretend he's not gonna win😂

King of New York

I agree with Roshi's take from before that they could have sprinkled the conversations into the plot and fight scenes to make it less of a drag, but to be devil's advocate I haven't seen it play out like this in a show for a while in a show where it's all meetings then all smoke. Yes it's annoying that the main cast of the season are chairs and tables but hey at least they're explaining everything before they get into the fights and why they matter.


I think the fact that it’s weekly release hurts it more because you’re waiting week to week just for more or less straight exposition. It could possibly flow better on a rewatch but yeah.

Hasnain Khan


Saucy Jonathan

They really think the meetings are over 😭🙏🏻


Everything used to revolve around Rimiru being in the center of the action, now its all self sustaining and he doesn't know what to do with himself lol. I also love how they think that Veldora can be "negotiated with". My guy, he's friendly to RIMIRU. He will still smoke the lot of you at the first sign of BS.

Max O’Donovan

Why is there all this talking? Rimuru is a demon lord at this point the stakes are non-existent.


How are we 6 episodes in and still have like 1-2 more episodes worth more of yapping, cmon slime


Finally caught a glimpse of damrada👌🏽


i cant wait for the later fights man, i hop they do it justice


Lupa look like he bout tired of slime and it's only episode 6 lol 😆


I love TTIWRAAS but this yap session has been going on for too damn long.


Exposition can be given in many different ways. I think the "issue" is while the information is in fact interesting, there is nothing "interesting" happening in the moment. Having a plot-relevant conversation sitting around a table is not nearly as fascinating as for example; someone having their face stepped on while having said conversation. Not hating, just trying to make sense of the discourse around it.


I haven't watched any of the episodes yet since everyone is complaining about the meetings (saving to binge). But this is a really good point

Hi How are ya

The issue is that a lot of the conversations that have happened the last 6 episodes could have been summed up in maybe one or two long expeditions instead of stretching it out across 6 damn episodes straight of characters sitting down with their mouths flapping. A lot of it feel pointless we don’t really need to know every single little bit and piece of every plan that’s happened across every single side.


at least I’m starving for some action so when it does happen ima be hyped. Meetings were def excessive but not horrible to sit through, I think the only boring one was episode 4


Peak fantasy without all this yapping still sitting right there waiting for you Roshi to pick back up


I honestly thought we'd see the tournament at the end of this season, but now i don't think we'll make it that far. Sad, i really want to see equus, because i've always had trouble picturing what he's supposed to look like. Is he just a horse headed minotaur, a la bojack, or is it something else.


It’s understandable to be tired of the meetings but you have to understand this is a world building story. They have to discuss these things or it wouldn’t make much sense if they just didn’t talk much and went straight into action


I know its because of world building, but can we atleast walk around town and see city development atleast? Legit why I liked "How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom" because it showed their hardwork come to fruition even with the dialogue heaviness.


they spent all of season 1+2 with fights instead of building the story that now we gotta sit through meetings like we're in a corporate office


Animators sipping tea laughing at mappa employees slave away while they animate the same room 10000x times


Lupa look like he tired of this shit😂


Manga/LN readers trying to hint at something "interesting". Lmao

Huemon Nottabear

The "this could've been an email" episodes


That time I got reincarnated as a meeting


Frieren and Odd Taxi have characters with interesting backgrounds and/or, at the very least, the writers are trying to explore certain themes with different characters throughout the story. Meanwhile Slime just has a cheerleading squad make up most of the side cast. And it's not like Rimuru himself is interesting either since the dude is practically written to be as perfect as the plot demands.

Dud3 itsj3ff

I LOVE this show, but I really don't know wtf they were thinking with these first 6 episodes


I fell asleep this episode

Url Robbo

this takes the cake for the quietest lupa has been during a reaction


The story doesn't do nearly enough to merit all of this exposition. Lol

Drake Rage

I wonder how exactly this war ends up happening.. cause Hinata clearly wants to try to talk it out first and does trust Rimuru now.. and Rimuru definitely doesn't want to fight either... Even Demon Lord Valentine (The Vampire Girl that is worshiped by the Western Holy Church) clearly told them to not fight Rimuru.... But they been planning this war shit for 6 whole episodes now.. wtf happens that makes shit fall apart? lmao. It is going to be hilarious if after all these war meetings fkn Rimuru does manage to talk it out with Hinata and stop the war, making most of these episodes to be fkn useless, lmao.

Doc Anime!

Don't worry, King of Lighting is tired of this shit too lol


First 6 episodes of straight yappanese is wild snooze fest

Earphone Jack

I feel like all these meetings are going to have some payoff to them later in the season.


The problem is not the information, but the pacing. Roshi touched on this subject like 2 episodes ago, even knowing what's to come 'cause I read the manga this is egregious.


There does seem to be 100 dudes pulling up behind her that Hinata doesn’t know about. They are probably all about the smoke.


Would you have preferred meaningless filler that would have no bearing on the story whatsoever? Cause that’s what the alternative is. Don’t know if you were around for Bleach or Naruto’s heyday, but I for one feel like this is paradise compared to the filler arcs from those shows.

Liam Wave

Actual snoozer season

Davon Thomas

The Time I got reincarnated as a Councilman has been a very boring season.

Drake Rage

Yeah but the Hinata thing seems completely avoidable still, like: Hinata: You asked me to come and fight you 1v1. Rimuru: No I did not. Hinata: Well okay then, I will head on back. Rimuru: There were like 104 Knights following you, can you take them back with you? Hinata: Oh? Of course.


They definitely saved money on animation with all the meetings. They making cutbacks or what?

sordid mirth

heard its because the light novel has tons of dialogue but they could deadass just cut it out or shorten it


Shit better look like sukuna vs mahoraga with how much budget they saved


There's a way to World Build and exposition ain't it - These 6 episodes were rough as hell


Episode 1-6 should've just been shrunk into one episode - make it an hour and cut out character reaction shots - keep all important dialogue


How much did this take up in the novels? because like my god. It's like anime filler but somehow canon.

Rin Okumura

my man literally has a google AI as a skill yet never use it to make sense of the situation. MF literally over exaggerate the most simple $hit like "let me just go out and have a talk with those MF over there" instead of sending his dumb@$$ slaves to go out there and over complicate things.

Stephen D

Maybe they should put slime on hold and switch it out with something else until it picks up. Kengan, Gundam 00, or Danmachi. Just about anything would be better than this. Edit: Maybe they should run a poll

Keevondrick Womack

There are times when world building, politics, socio-economic strategies can be entertaining...This is not one of those times. Necessary, but still boring. Looking forward to a few select moments though. IF we even get to them this season.


They saving the budget for sure


I was doing some reading and apparently it's this dialog heavy in the LN. So ig we just gotta b patient. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I actually didn’t mind these last 2 episodes

Darius Wells

yea its heavy on the exposition for the LN, but we're finally out of it. Ngl i dont really like how the handle the direction of all the meetings but it had to be done to get it out the way lol


All I can say is that, Overlord definitely does it way better in the world building department. Because this shit is ass.

Drake Rage

Yeah Overlord is like multiple tiers above Slime in terms of World Building.. I had always found Slime to be closer to a Generic Isekai but it had good action and decent world building. The meetings/buildup in the past seasons was at least interesting and provided completely new information, with the Demon Lord stuff.. but this season has been way too slow and boring, lol.


They could have done it in 4 episodes, but one is just wild so much important info. This is a world building with a focus on nation building and politics, if you don't like politics in real life it won't be as much fun for you here. However we are getting great smoke next 5-6 episodes and more great scenes later in season :) :)


i would guess 80-110 ish pages in vol 7 out of 288. S1 of slime was Vol 1-4. S2 was Vol 5-6. S3 will most likely be 7-9

The Uprising

"if you don't like politics in real life it won't be as much fun for you here" i mean just not even true plenty of other shows have loads of meeting episodes that don't bore the life out of you overlord for example the problem isn't the meetings its loads of the same information repeated to you six episodes straight


Fairly common problem with these kind of "power trip" characters. They make them insanely smart and powerful from the get go so when the writer needs to dumb them down to move the plot forward, it stands out a lot more.

king Lightning

This coming from a guy who reads both overlord and slime light novel. Even though overlord was done kinda dirty on the anime side with 12 episodes a season the world building still holds up but done much better in the light novel.

king Lightning

Me too I guarantee they would love iron blooded orphans or 00 and the uc time line is a underrated masterpiece.

sol jam

bro no end of reaction discussion lol yeah that says a lot about this season

Jake Coulter

Yeah I appreciate the dialogue and the world building but this is definitely not meant for weekly consumption 😂 I think imma just call it quits and binge when the season is over

Jake Coulter

Wow respect. Mr. Robot is up there with Breaking Bad. I assumed they watched it already lol. That show would break their brain.

Jake Coulter

You think so? Idk Overlord show is just waiting for that big thing to happen but it never actually happens. Slime at least has climax points lol


You guys should watch My Love Story if you guys and girl haven't yet. It's a really nice anime and also funny. :)


Even witch from mercury would be great I think they would really enjoy it as an intro to the series


Yeah, most AU stuff would be great. Personally, I'd vote for 00 because it's my favorite, but almost anything works.


Slime , the time i got reincarnated as a professional yapper


They still having meetings bruh lmaoo


I was tricked into thinking we were getting smoke this episode


They are adapting the LN not the manga, and let me tell you, there is a lot more talking in the LN to come, this isn't over by a long shot. Honestly this show went from good to bad, simply because how they decided to adapt it.


Anyone expecting something like that is setting themselves up for disappointment.


6 episodes of just info and talking, they better have some JJK level fights for like 10 episodes in a row after all this shit.


This is true, but even still the world building alone is done much better in overlord but yeah… it does feel like the “big” thing just never delivers so pick your poison with either anime

danial javady

I would've upvoted your comment but then i saw your name 💀💀💀nah bro that's the king


If it's in regards to mine, I love Sukuna's character, but I like the "fraud" joke on Reddit too. Lmao


I've read the light novels and I have to push myself past this arc because I already bought the books hahaha glad I did tho


Just now seeing this. I will bring it up to Roshi. I just recently watched “Leave the World Behind” and Ooooohhhh boy.

Overload (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-17 19:39:52 Just in case anyone is wondering how there are suddenly so many ogres in Tempest after the orcs destroyed the ogre village, when Rimaru became a demon lord some of the goblins evolved into ogres. So you will see much more of them (looking similar to how Benimaru and the other 5 originally looked) but with the goblin names that Rimaru gave them (so starting with Gob…)
2024-05-17 19:39:26 Just in case anyone is wondering how there are suddenly so many ogres in Tempest after the orcs destroyed the ogre village, when Rimuru became a demon lord some of the goblins evolved into ogres. So you will see much more of them (looking similar to how Benimaru and the other 5 originally looked) but with the goblin names that Rimuru gave them (so starting with Gob…)

Just in case anyone is wondering how there are suddenly so many ogres in Tempest after the orcs destroyed the ogre village, when Rimuru became a demon lord some of the goblins evolved into ogres. So you will see much more of them (looking similar to how Benimaru and the other 5 originally looked) but with the goblin names that Rimuru gave them (so starting with Gob…)


ah yes. table kun