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Here is the second part of the script for Revolution of Harmony, written by Rated-R-PonyStar, to be drawn by CandyClumsy as a trade.

Unedited form:

Page 11

Panel 1: We see a big shot of a town in the woods. It’s a local trading town that looks more modern like today’s world with electric poles, some more modern house structure, and roads. But no tall buildings. Think an average rural community that is a small town. 

Page 12

Panel 1: Focus is on a bar/inn establishment where the sounds of creatures enjoying themselves can be heard from the outside.

Panel 2: We then get a look at the inside. It’s a pretty busy day with males and females both pony and griffin hanging out, drinking, playing cards, or eating dinner. Service ladies are going around helping out but the one at the bar is a female unicorn pony with a blond mane, and pearl like coat. She’s dressed up as a bartender, but she’s also the head of the place. Her cutie mark is a barrel with “XXX” on it. Her name is Filler Cup. 

Panel 3: More of a focus in the area as various groups, both pony and griffin, talk among each other about what’s going on in the world based on news and rumors.

Pony 1: “Heard the Imperial Army managed to force District 8 to surrender. The rebel sectors are one less short of an ally now. Executions are commonplace and many are being forced into Traitor-Blood status.”

Griffin 1: “How did they lose so fast?”

Pony 1: “Apparently, the God of War himself was leading the battle.”

Griffin 2: “Jeez, I’m surprised they lasted so long.”

Pony 2: “My cousin saw the Black Trains pass by his town yesterday. Thankfully, they just ignored them.”

Pony 3: “Gotta wonder what they do with the creatures they take on those trains?”

Pony 2: “Best not to think about it.”

Griffin 3: “How’s Charlie dealing with his loss?”

Griffin 4: “He’s still a mess. Can’t blame him since he lost his son and all.”

Griffin 5: “26 years old. What an age to go out on.”

Pony 4: “So you gonna ask Rosey out for a date?”

Griffin 6: “Maybe after this next ale...”

Page 13

Panel 1: We see the front door open.

Panel 2: The entire place pauses as they all stare in the direction of the reader with wide and uncertain eyes based on who has appeared.

Panel 3: It’s none other than Spike who walks down the place while ignoring the stares. 

Panel 4: He continues to walk past as a few whispers are heard.

Pony 1 (Off Panel): “Is that a dragon?”

Griffin 1 (Off Panel): “I’ve never seen one. I thought they were in Section 14?”

Griffin 2 (Off Panel) “Some are in the army or fighting with various rebel groups.”

Pony 2 (Off Panel): “Is he a rebel?”

Griffin 3 (Off Panel): “Whoever he is he looks dangerous.”

Page 14

Panel 1: Spike heads to the bar where a few of the patrons just get out of the way and give him breathing room not that he cares. To her credit, the bartender, Filler Cup, is looking like this is just another day at the office.

Filler Cup: “New guy, huh? Whatcha poison?”

Spike: “Something hard.”

Panel 2: Spike glances behind him where others are doing their best not to look at him or they are looking at him.

Pony 1 (Off Panel): “Woah, look at that wing! It’s metal!”

Giffin 1 (Off Panel): “How did he get it?”

Filler Cup (Off Panel): “I think this is to your liking.”

Panel 3: Spike looks a bit surprised to find a glass of bright fire red liquid with red ruby like rocks in the center with a yellowish center glow. 

Panel 4: He takes a drink of it.

Panel 5: Look at the bartender with a small smile, Spike compliments her as she just gives a satisfied grin. 

Spike: “Firerock whiskey. Rare to see that in a non-dragon bar.”

Filler Cup: “I’ve been around. Figured one day a firebreather like you would wander in here and as for something tough. Most pony and griffin drinks are lightweight for you guys.”

Panel 6: One of the patrons, a griffin or pony it doesn’t matter, looks upset at this while Filler Cup just snorts. 

Patron: “Hey, how come you never let us try this?”

Filler Cup: “Because even if you survive the drink melting your insides, literally, you’ll be pissing flames out for a month.”

Panel 15

Panel 1: Spike looks at Filler Cup.

Spike: “You own this inn?”

Filler Cup: “Just like my Mom did. Rest her soul.”

Panel 2: Spike lays down a small amount of bits as he gets up while finishing his drink.

Spike: “I’d like a room for three days. Plus the bottle.”

Filler Cup: “Sure thing.”

Panel 3: Filler Cup leads Spike up the stairs in her establishment as everyone goes back to their drinking and talking. She’s given him the bottle of the firestone whiskey which he has in his claw.

Filler Cup: “You here for business or pleasure?”

Spike: “That’s not for you to know.”

Filler Cup: “Eh, can’t blame a girl for being curious. We’ve never had a dragon come around here.”

Panel 4: The two reach the rooms level as they continue to walk.

Spike: “You don’t seem too surprised as the others.”

Filler Cup: “I went into the city when I was young and foolish. I’ve seen dragons before. This place? It’s just a regular trading town where we’re mostly left alone save for tax season.”

Panel 5: Spike notices one of the doors opened slightly. 

Panel 6: A colt, too covered in the dark to see, is poking his eyes out at Spike to get a glance at him.

Page 16

Panel 1: Filler Cup opens the door to Spike’s room for the next three days. It’s a simple room. Nothing special.

Filler Cup: “Biggest room we go for a guy of your size. Just don’t break the bed or your paying for it.”

Panel 2: Spike tries it out while drinking straight out of the bottle. Filler Cup continues to talk.

Filler Cup: “Breakfast is free, but you’ll be charged for other meals. Bathroom is to your right. Also, no using that sword around here to cause trouble. I got a Crystal Blaster from a bet I won and I’ll use it on your scaly butt if you start a fight.”

Panel 3: Spike assures her that he’ll be fine. Filler Cup seems convinced before asking one last thing.

Spike: “Relax, I’ll mostly just be in my room until I leave.”

Filler Cup: “Fine. One last thing. Got a name? I need it for the record books.”

Panel 4: Spike gives his fake name before drinking into the bottle as Filler Cup wishes him a good night.

Spike: “It’s Strider.”

Filler Cup: “Right. Night, Mr. Strider.”

Panel 5: Spike is all alone in his room, bottle in hand. 

Panel 6: We get a shot of the night sky with the moon fully shown.

Page 17

Panel 1: The panel is the only page. The top of the page shows glittering stars but as it goes further down it shows red and blood spots as the caption boxes go down.

Caption Box 1: “Spike...”

Caption Box 2: “Spike, why?”

Caption Box 3: “Spike, why couldn’t you save Twilight?!”

Caption Box 4: “You were the one she trusted most and you failed her!”

Caption Box 5: “Answer me! WHY DIDN’T YOU SAVE HER?!”

Page 18

Panel 1: Spike wakes up, sweating after a nightmare while still in his clothes. Apparently drunk himself to sleep.

Panel 2: Covering his face with his head, Spike leans down trying to forget as always.

Panel 3: We then see Spike in the bathroom, relieving himself in front of the toilet. Obviously, we don’t really see him do it or his urine, but it's implied.

Panel 4: Suddenly, knocking is heard as Spike says he’ll be there as he finishes using the bathroom.

Spike: “I’ll be right there!”

Panel 5: The door continues to be banged on from outside the room as a flushing sound is heard, but we don’t see who it is that is banging.

Panel 6: Spike opens the door glaring at the one banging.

Spike: “Alright, what is it?!”

Panel 7: He noticed that nobody is there and looks down.

Panel 19

Panel 1: It turns out to be a male colt unicorn with blue coat and blond mane, no cutie mark, and he looks at Spike with wide eyes. His name is Gentle Hoof.

Gentle Hoof: “Wow, I was right! You are a dragon! You’re so big.”

Spike: “... Can I help you, kid?”

Panel 2: Gentle Hoof gives a cute smile as he tells Spike breakfast is ready.

Gentle Hoof: “Oh, Mom wanted me to tell you breakfast is ready! So come on! Let’s eat!”

Spike: “... Right.”

Panel 3: Spike rubs the back of his head as he follows the colt down stairs who happily jumps down the steps like a little kid.

Panel 4: The bar is now a lot more empty as it is just Filler Cup, Gentle Hoof, and Spike who are in the establishment. 

Gentle Hoof: “Mom! I brought Mr. Dragon!”

Filler Cup: “His name’s Strider, Gentle.”

Gentle Hoof: “Cool!”

Panel 5: Filler Cup gives Gentle a bowl of porridge that he digs into immediately while asking Spike what he wants. 

Filler Cup: “Here you go, Gentle. Porridge with cinnamon.”

Gentle Hoof: “Yum!”

Filler Cup: “And for you?”

Spike: “Got gemstones?”

Panel 20

Panel 1: Filler Cup shakes her head which causes Spike to sigh and accept a meat breakfast.

Filler Cup: “Nope, but we got meat. Half the town is full of griffins so don’t worry about it.”

Spike: “Guess eggs and bacon then.”

Panel 2: Spike gets his meal and starts to eat while Gentle Hoof stares at Spike while eating his own.

Panel 3: Same as before only now Spike is glancing at the kid.

Panel 4: Same as before only now Spike is actively staring at him.

Panel 5: Finally Spike asks what he’s doing and the kid answers. 

Spike: “Why are you staring?”

Gentle Hoof: “I want to see if you breathe fire.”


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