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A bold proposition for the Staircase Project puts the group at odds. Will weighs his options. Ye returns to a familiar place.




You nailed it. It's a hail mary. It didn't make a ounce of sense in the book either. Until it came back into play and it made perfect sense. There's the Chinese tv series on Prime. 1st season. I'm rewatching it. It is closer to the book. It's quite science laden and slow but I love it. I was worried about Netflix version because I assumed they'd dumb it way down. But I've been humbled because Netflix made it a spectrum of our totality of humanness. It's changed my perspective in many ways. Hang in there with Saul. He was a Chinese slacker in the book too. But He was the one to work out what Ye told him. Her joke. Saul's like Steven Hawking he's great at working everything out in his head.


Space: 1999 is a few decades late but its coming.

James Woodford

Hello, I subbed to the Patreon a couple days ago because you are doing Three Body and I’ve been looking forward to this series for a long time being a huge fan of the books. I’m glad I find your channel because you guys give great insight and it’s cool to hear from those who haven’t read the book. I feel like you guys are right on with your thoughts about Will with the Fairy Tales and him being a teacher which is something I didn’t really consider before you mentioned it. The lack of Saul being productive this season has been a little frustrating because I think the actor is really good and they keep saying he’s the smartest of the group. His character isn’t introduced until the second book, The Dark Forest, so it’s not all that surprising to me but they could have given him a little more to do in the first season. His book character is my fave of the series so I’m PRAYING this gets renewed for another season because the next book is by far the best imo and I think they casted the role really well. Anyway thanks for the reaction, saw you’re doing Shogun so I’m gonna check that out too


I can see the potential in Saul and really understand his hesitation. I just wished I knew how important he was earlier in the season. I may have paid more intention to the more subtle things he says earlier in the show. Regardless we have an incredible story being told with so much possibility. I hope it get renewed again also.