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Andrea Dcosta

Next Episode OMG cant wait something special awaits :)


Personally, I have always felt that Elena has loved Damon more than Stefan, since early-ish S3. She loves Stefan, of course... but they have not been the same since the end of S2. In my view, she fell in love with Damon a good while ago. She only chose Stefan at the end of S3 because it was the comfortable, more 'appropriate', and loyal choice. Not because it was her heart's real desire. But because Stefan 'saved' her... and to avoid the judgement from herself & her friends for wanting Damon. Once Elena became a vampire and the compulsions wore off... she knew she'd met him first and felt something for him. And as Damon said... he wants Elena to be human again if that's what she wants... but either way, he loves her just the same. Stefan wants Elena human again... for her sake, yes, but also his own.