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As I sat on the dusty old stool in my equally dusty old lab, I idly swirled the green ooze around in my beaker, lost in thought. The stuff was fascinating, to say the least. It had this strange, pulsating quality to it, as if it were alive. I had found it buried deep within the heart of an ancient Mayan temple, its origins shrouded in mystery. I had spent months trying to replicate it, but no matter how hard I tried, I always ended up with some sort of putrid, foul-smelling concoction that did nothing but make my lab smell worse.


The more I thought about it, the more I realized that the key to unlocking the secrets of this green ooze lay within its ability to transform the very fabric of reality. I remembered the legends of the temple guards, how they were said to have transformed into fearsome, muscle-bound monsters when they drank the sacred elixir made from the green ooze. Perhaps if I could find a way to harness that power...


I set aside my thoughts and began to carefully pour some of the green ooze into a small vial. As I did so, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was about to embark on a journey that would change my life forever. I tightened the cap on the vial and placed it safely away in my desk drawer. Tomorrow, I decided, I would test the ooze on myself. After all, what better lab rat was there than the scientist who discovered it?


The next day, I woke up early and prepared myself for the experiment. I took a long, hot shower, making sure to scrub away any lingering dust from my lab. Then, with a deep breath and a steady hand, I unscrewed the vial and carefully poured the ooze into my mouth. It tasted foul, like a cross between rotten eggs and sweaty gym socks, but I forced it down nonetheless.


As the ooze made its way through my body, I felt strange sensations coursing through my veins. My muscles began to ache and burn, as if they were being stretched and pulled to their limits. My skin tingled, and my breath came faster and deeper. I collapsed onto my bed, my heart pounding in my chest, waiting for whatever change was about to come.


And then it hit me.


As my muscles convulsed and spasmed beneath my skin, I felt a surge of strength unlike anything I'd ever experienced. My body felt as if it were on fire, every fiber screaming with power. My limbs stretched impossibly, growing thicker and more defined with each passing moment. My chest swelled, my shoulders widened, and my waist narrowed. My face contorted, my teeth lengthening into sharp fangs as my jaw grew impossibly wide.


As I stared at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't believe the transformation. Where once there had been a scrawny, average-looking woman, there now stood a towering, muscle-bound monster. My skin had taken on a greenish hue, matching the ooze that had transformed me. My hair, once a dull brown, now shone like polished emeralds. I was beautiful, in a terrifying, awe-inspiring way.


My newfound strength was nothing short of incredible. I could lift entire cars with ease, and run faster than the wind. My senses were heightened to an almost animalistic level. I could smell the faintest whiff of fear on someone's breath from miles away, and hear the flutter of a butterfly's wings from within the thickest jungle.


As I stood there, basking in my newfound power, I couldn't help but feel a newfound confidence coursing through my veins. I was no longer the meek, timid scientist who spent her days cooped up in a lab. I was a goddess, a force of nature, and the world was mine to conquer.


My eyes darted around the room, taking in every detail as if it were the first time I'd ever seen it. The greenish glow of the ooze that had transformed me seemed to pulse in time with my heartbeat, reminding me of my origin, of my purpose.


I ran my fingers through my emerald-green hair, feeling the strands slide between my calloused, muscular fingers. The sensation was exhilarating, a testament to the incredible strength that now coursed through my veins. I lifted a dumbbell off the floor, hefting it above my head with ease, before tossing it across the room. It clattered against the far wall, leaving a small dent in the plaster.


As I stood there, surveying my transformed body, I couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of power and control. My muscles rippled beneath my skin, each one seemingly ready to burst through my newly thick hide. My senses were heightened to a razor-sharp edge, allowing me to take in every detail of my surroundings with uncanny clarity.


The transformation aroused me in ways I had never experienced before. I felt a burning desire to explore my newfound strength, to push myself further and see just how much more I could achieve. My emerald-green eyes darted around the room, taking in the potential challenges that lay before me.


I walked over to the mirror and admired my reflection, my muscular form now clad only in a thin layer of sweat. My skin glistened in the dim light, each ripple of muscle a testament to the power that coursed through my veins. I ran my calloused fingers over the ridges of my abs, feeling the taut skin stretch across my defined ribcage.


My emerald-green eyes narrowed as I focused on my reflection, the primal part of my brain craving more. I wanted to feel the same rush of energy, the same surge of power. I wanted to push myself further. And then it hit me.


My muscles tensed, my heart raced, and a shiver of anticipation ran down my spine. This was it. This was what I was meant to do. I reached out, grasping the edges of the mirror with my calloused, impossibly strong hands. With a groan of effort, I tore it from the wall. Glass shattered everywhere, raining down around me like a storm of green diamonds.


I stood there, panting, my chest heaving as my newly enhanced senses took in every detail of the destruction I had wrought. The shards of glass glinted in the dim light, reflecting my emerald-green eyes back at me. My body was on fire, my blood pumping hot and fast through my veins. I was a goddess, a force of nature, and I was unstoppable.


I lifted the mirror frame above my head, feeling the weight of it in my powerful hands. With a mighty heave, I threw it against the wall, watching it shatter into a thousand pieces. The satisfaction I felt at the destruction was exhilarating, like an orgasm coursing through my veins. My muscles ached for more, for something to release the tension that had built up inside me.


As I stood there, panting, my chest heaving, I noticed a picture frame lying on the floor. It was a photo of me, the old me, before the transformation. The woman in the photo was frail and timid, a shadow of the goddess I had become. With a growl of disdain, I kicked the frame across the room, sending it skittering across the tile. Looking at my old self made me hornier than I had ever felt, thinking about how much of a muscle goddess I had become.  My hands drifted down to my clit and I began to stroke my enlarged clit.


My muscles tensed as pleasure coursed through my veins, my emerald-green eyes half-closed as I focused on the sensations. The muscles in my arms, legs, and chest stood out in sharp relief, each ripple of my flesh adding to the intense pleasure. I moaned, my breath coming in ragged gasps as my orgasm built inside me. With a mighty heave, I threw myself back against the wall, feeling the hard tiles dig into my back as my climax washed over me.


My fingers dug deeper into my soft, supple flesh, finding a rhythm that brought me closer and closer to ecstasy. My emerald-green eyes fluttered open, taking in my surroundings, my newly enhanced senses drinking in every detail. The shards of glass glinted in the dim light, their jagged edges reflecting the light in a thousand different ways. The air was thick with the scent of my own arousal, my musky odor filling my nostrils and making me hungrier for more.


My muscles quivered with anticipation as the orgasm built within me, threatening to explode out in a violent release of pleasure. I arched my back, pressing my body deeper into the wall, feeling the tiles bite into my skin. With a guttural moan, I came, my body shuddering in ecstasy as wave after wave of pleasure washed over me. My fingers moved faster, seeking out every last bit of sensation as my climax crested and began to ebb away.


Panting, I opened my eyes, surveying the destruction I had wrought. The shards of glass glinted in the dim light, reflecting my emerald-green eyes back at me. I was in a state of heightened arousal, every sense on edge, every nerve tingling with desire. The air was thick with the scent of my own musk, mingled with the tang of sweat and shattered glass. I felt powerful, unstoppable, like a force of nature unleashed. I was finally the muscle goddess I always dreamed to be.


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