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So today marks the date of the last time I wrote an event script for the predecessor of this game. I don’t remember much about the day, but I remember the waiting.  

And the waiting. And again, the waiting. 

As I have learned in the entertainment industry, there are going to be times when you’re busier than a dozen people should be, but the larger portion of your day is spent waiting. Waiting for the right person to read your script/treatment/pitch/whatever. Waiting for someone to get back to you. Most people who know me consider me the most patient person they know, but I’m not patient, not really. I know there is a process, and being patient means that you remain aware of the process as it slowly but surely rolls towards a conclusion, but I hate waiting. 

And I am guessing the majority of you do as well. Waiting for an update is the most annoying part of these games, I think. As weeks turn into months, I would start to worry about the games I liked that were taking a long time to update. I’d ask myself if the developer(s) were sidelined by the Real World? Did they get cautioned to stop making adult games by a hypocritically repressive government? Did they burn out? Did they get sick and die? Did they get distracted by some shiny rabbit hole, like the pursuit of the first name of Sesame Street’s Mr. Snuffleupagus? 

His name is Aloysius, by the way.

So, I know that a lot of games that get started - just like a lot of tv series - never really make it out of the planning stage, and the last people to know are you, the supporters and fans of the game. That is NOT happening here. This game IS getting re-Imagined. There are at least six updates planned after the v0.5 content release, and hopefully more.

However, recreating the game means that most of the pre-existing content being recreated takes up a lot of space. Add to that at least a half-dozen scenes and events, and you get a pretty large release. And that’s Willowdale. Dewberry, Brexton, and further onward are all similarly large in both scale and scope. And size.

For that reason, we have decided to break up the new release of Princess on the Run into at least three different releases to make sure that all of the previous content is covered and expanded on. The hope for this is that there won’t be any issues with having to constantly restart the game, or take forever to download. It also has the benefit of not burning out the development team while  trying to rush content that deserves to be treated like fine wine - not released before its ready.

The first of these releases, Willowdale, will cover all of the content you are already familiar with from the older game (though with some changes) as well as a lot of new content. It will be called v0.4a, and will be followed by 0.4b and so on until the game covers all previously-released material in the former game version 0.4. The first new version - v0.5 - will be taking place almost entirely within Brexton and its environs.

After that, we’ll take your feedback and work to implement that into the game as well, even though there are story arcs that are already in place. There is room for more content. The next update will cover - as before - the pre-existing content as well as many new scenes. After that will be Brexton, where the game updates will remain for a while.

I understand that perhaps you all were waiting for the complete content of v0.4, mainly because I had stated that such was our goal. I get that some of you might be a little disappointed by us doing this over the course of three updates. I hope that once you finally get that Willowdale update in your hot little hands, you’ll fall in love with it as much as we have.

-Jack Oh



Steven Adams

Can't wait to see what you have in store.

One Hand Clapping Consortium

Hi Steven, if you're a part of the Discord server, you can start to see some of what's coming. And, of course, I can answer questions that you might have (though I might not be able to answer certain ones because of spoilers). Also, if there's stuff you wanted to see in the game, let me or one of the other developers know.