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Hello everybody,

Here is the full update (including Parts 1 and 2) for Defending Lydia Collier v.0.15.9!

Update Only Download


As the game has now surpassed 2GB even compressed, we have to provide the Android version in a different way now as the apk will not run correctly if it exceeds 2GB. Here are the instructions to use the new Android version:

Using the Android version is now different.

The App is installed or updated normally with the APK file.

The assets (the RPA file) are to be moved manually either to /RenPy/org.defending.lydia.collier.the66/game for Android 11 and newer or to /Android/data/org.defending.lydia.collier.the66/files/game for older Android versions.

After starting the app a message is shown with the destination if the assets are not placed correctly and the destination folder is created also if not already present to help you find it.

APK Download:

Mega - GDrive

Android Asset File:

Mega - GDrive

About the Update:

Defending Lydia Collier's v.0.15.9 update adds in a full new day for Jenna, with over 800 renders and five new animations, which includes several new story scenes.

To install the update only file, you'll need at least v.0.15.8 (or v.0.15.9 Part 1) drag and drop the "v20.new.rpa" file into your "DefendingLydiaCollier/game" folder. If the main menu changes from Steph to Jenna the update has installed correctly.

The full new day is complete for Jenna, but I still need to do a small bug fix and edit several paths and change some dialogue to get the new story scenes working will all other paths not with Jenna, this will be out very soon.

Thanks for all your patience and enjoy the update!




Real Madrid

Does de update works also for the MAC version?

Real Madrid

maybe you can upload the full game, having some troubles with updates


Hello, I will do full uploads, I'm just doing a small bug fix and checking for any more bug reports first as they will take me a whole day to upload and I can't edit them once I've built them, have to start uploading all over. In the mean time, you should be able to update on Mac by dropping the .rpa folder in your game folder. On Mac the location is here: "DefendingLydiaCollier.app\Contents\Resources\autorun\game" from what I can see. You'll see a "v19.base.rpa" file and just put the "v.20.rpa" file next to that and it will update the game the next time you launch it. Hope that helps and if not the full version will be up very soon! Thanks, WP