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[center]<<Daenerys Targaryen>>[/center]

Garyx carried her up the stairs, and the sounds of fighting grew quieter and quieter, until it vanished completely, replaced by the sounds of running water. He took her into the large bedchamber and set her on her feet.

Stepping back, his hands went to the hem of his shirt, and Dany couldn't look away as he removed his clothes. Her mouth watered, and she wanted to reach out and touch his bare chest. It was covered in red scales, much like the rest of him, but they were so smooth and looked so warm.

Her fingers twitched, but she didn't reach out.

Her new husband stepped close to her, and his clawed fingers brushed her dress, the material shredding easily as he pulled the remains from her. She could only watch, her cheeks aflame as the scraps of her wedding gown fell away, revealing her bare body to him.

A soft purr, deep and reverberating, filled her ears, and Dany felt something twitch beneath his breeches. Looking down, she saw the growing bulge, and couldn't tear her gaze away, watching in awe as his cock hardened and lengthened.

Beautiful,” he whispered.

Looking back up, she felt her heart skip a beat at the look of adoration on his face. His eyes were wide, his pupils dilated, and a soft smile was spread across his face. He reached out and cupped her cheek, his thumb brushing her bottom lip.

Leaning down, his mouth covered hers, and Dany couldn't stop the moan that bubbled up. She could taste blood on his tongue, and the scent of smoke and ashes surrounded her. He broke the kiss, his tongue brushing her chin, before he kissed a trail along her jaw, then her neck, and Dany couldn't control her breathing, her chest heaving with each breath she took.

“Please,” she whimpered, the heat between her legs growing stronger, and his cock twitched.

Garyx growled softly, and his tongue dipped into the hollow of her throat, before traveling down. She couldn't breathe, couldn't think, and as his mouth closed around her nipple, his teeth pinching the sensitive flesh, Dany moaned and arched into him, her hips bucking and her hands clawing at his shoulders.

He lifted her into his arms, and before Dany could react, he had her pressed against the wall, her legs hooked over his forearms, her thighs splayed apart, and his tongue flicked her clit. Her eyes widened, her jaw dropped, and her hands flew to his head, her fingers burying themselves among the horn-like nubs he had in place of hair.

Her head slammed back into the wall, and a scream tore itself from her throat. The feeling was unlike anything she'd ever felt before. The rough, long, wet tongue piercing deep into her sex and sending lightning racing through her body, while his fangs rubbed and massaged her clit, his teeth grazing her lips.

There was nothing else in the world, just the pleasure that washed over her. Every muscle tensed, her legs locked around him, her thighs trembling and her stomach clenched as the first orgasm of her life struck her. Her toes curled, her back arched, and she couldn't breathe.

Garyx didn't stop, his tongue still moving inside her, his mouth still teasing her clit, and as the first orgasm passed, a second began. She wasn't sure how much time had passed, her eyes closed and her body quivering, and it wasn't until she slumped against the wall that Garyx stopped, his tongue retreating from her sex, leaving her empty and her body aching.

Opening her eyes, she saw him staring at her, a soft smile on his lips. His tongue, long and with a forked tip, licked her femininity from his lips, making her cheeks burn with heat.

Mine,” he growled, his cock twitching.

Dany looked at the organ that hung between his legs, and was stunned by its size. It was long and thick, with a strange bulge near the base, and it was a glistening gray color, but there was no mistaking what it was.

She licked her lips, then met his eyes. Despite the heat burning in her loins, she was nervous, and couldn't help but ask, “Will it fit?”

He chuckled, his eyes shining, and replied, “Oh yes, my dear, it will fit. The first time will hurt, but the pain will fade, and only pleasure will remain.

Her legs were still shaking as he set her down, and he held her steady as he turned her around and guided her hands to the wall. Dany was nervous, and could feel her heart beating rapidly in her chest.

But it was too late, and there was no going back. If she were honest with herself, she didn't think she wanted to.

Her legs were kicked apart, and his hands slid up her back. Garyx leaned forward, his breath hot on her neck, and her heart pounded, the anticipation making her dizzy. Then, with one quick motion, he entered her, his cock spreading her open.

The pain was intense, and her vision was clouded by tears, her fingernails clawing at the stone wall. Garyx held her tightly, his claws digging into her stomach and ribs, his mouth pressing against her neck. She could feel the bulge, the knot, pressing against her opening, and knew that it would be even more painful to try and take.

She couldn't, she didn't know if it would tear her apart. She was about to tell him, when his hips pulled back, his cock withdrawing from her. But it wasn't empty for long, Garyx pushed forward once more, and Dany was surprised by how much better it felt.

He kept up the rhythm, thrusting in and out of her, and with each push, the knot rubbed her entrance, her sex stretched, and she felt an odd pleasure mixed with the pain. Each thrust was a little easier, and each time, the knot slipped a little further inside her, and the pleasure grew a little bit stronger.

His tongue ran along her neck, his breath tickling her skin, and she heard him muttering, “My mate, mine, mine, mine.

Dany could only moan, her back arching, her hands slipping on the stone wall, and her eyes rolling. His hands moved up, and she could feel his claws raking her breasts, and as he thrust into her, the knot stretching her wide, and the pleasure washing over her, she screamed.

His teeth sank into her shoulder, the pain blending with the pleasure, and she came hard. His knot was almost inside her, the pain and the pleasure warring, and then it was. Dany cried out, the orgasm that struck her the most powerful one yet. Her legs gave out, and her face hit the wall, her vision darkening and her ears ringing.


Daenerys passed out from the pleasure, and Garyx smiled. He could hear her heart beating, and the sound of her breathing, so he didn't worry. He knew his wife was strong, and would recover from her ordeal.

Gently, he lowered her to the ground, careful not to move the knot. He laid on his side, and held her tightly to him, her back pressed against his chest, her body trembling, her sex clamped tightly around his knot.

A soft purr left his lips as he wrapped his arms around her, his snout buried in her hair, breathing deeply. His left hand cupped her breast, and the right was resting on her stomach, his claws brushing her skin.

He was already imagining the children they would have, his seed flooding her womb and taking root, and the thought made him smile. She would give him strong sons and beautiful daughters, and the new Valyrian Empire would rise, the goddess Tiamat would return to prominence, and the dragons would be restored.

The world would tremble, and the nations would fall, and he would rule over it all, his beautiful empress by his side. Unfortunately, the scale of the task before means that he will require more than just Daenerys. For while his goddess had given him the means to restore dragons, he could not create them out of the ether.

He would need to hatch a clutch of eggs. And for that, he would need a concubine to birth each dragon egg.

Daenerys shifted slightly, moaning in her sleep, and Garyx couldn't help but grin. She would birth his true children, rather than being relegated to the status of mere egg-layer or brood mare. But speaking of broodmares, her plea earlier had presented him with an opportunity. Tucking Daenerys into bed, he put his pants back on and stepped out of the bedroom, glancing at his soldiers that stood on either side of the door.

Come find me when she awakens, do not allow any harm to come to her,” he ordered.

The two nodded, and Garyx left, making his way to the plaza where he’d ordered prisoners be brought to before he’d learned of the so-called wedding. Upon arriving, there were the individuals who’d previously ruled this city, along with a few additional noteworthy individuals.

“Unhand me! I am the rightful King of Westeros!”

Such as the boastful braggart that was his bride’s sibling. Really, any who needed to shout his title from the top of his lungs was unworthy of it in the first place.

As he approached the bound captives, the men and women kneeling upon the stone, Viserys Targaryen turned his gaze toward him, eyes red and puffy, but defiant.

Viserys Targaryen glared at him and sneered, his words slurred, his breath reeking of wine, “Who are you to treat me like this?! I am a king! I will be your king, if you swear yourself to me. You will bow before me and beg for forgiveness, and then you will serve me!”

Garyx did not answer, instead turning to one of his soldiers, and nodding towards Viserys. The soldier grabbed the boy by the shoulder as two more brought out a large table, the struggling Viserys placed on top of it and ropes binding his wrists and ankles to it.

Viserys struggled and thrashed, trying to break free, and continued his demands, “Unhand me! I will have your head for this, you and everyone here! I will have you flayed and skinned alive! I am the true King of Westeros, you will obey me!”

Garyx sighed as he walked towards the table, Viserys still ranting and raving, and accepted the offered blade from the soldier who’d grabbed the petulant manchild. In moments, the groin of Viserys’s trousers had been cut open, and a small, limp, hairy appendage flopped out.

The man's tirade ceased, the drunken prince staring at him in confusion. Garyx glanced at him and said, “As I said before, you are unworthy of your Valyrian blood. Thus I will ensure that you will not spread your seed. Be thankful for your sister, I had planned on killing you, now I will be… creative.

And so Garyx took the knife and began to carve, his claws cutting into the skin as he held Viserys still. If Viserys was to survive this, Garyx would need to work quickly. Making sure to capture all the blood that spilled as Viserys was neutered, he ignored Viserys’s screaming and wailing as he worked.

A symbol was drawn on the ground around the table using Viserys’s blood, five candles of different colors (red, blue, black, green, and white) were brought out and lit, and a bowl of tarnished silver was placed upon Viserys’s stomach before his severed manhood was placed within it.

By the power of five, converge, intertwine,

Tiamat’s essence in this blood bound shrine.

Chromatics’ hue, a spectral design,

Binding the fate of bloodline malign.

The flames of the candles shifted, matching the hue of their candle and rising higher. The plaza fell silent, watching the ritual that had been seared into Garyx’s mind when he made the pact with Tiamat.

In scales of red, the fire’s embrace,

Crimson whispers, the dragon’s grace.

Wings outstretched, shadows interlace,

Tiamat’s children, the darkened space.

The red candle shifted into a pillar of crimson flame, a form coiling within, a single glowing eye staring out.

Beneath azure skies, where storms unfold,

Electric pulses, secrets untold,

Sapphire dreams, in prophecy scrolled,

Eggs of lightning, the future foretold.

The blue candle, rather than shifting to a pillar of flame like the previous one, seemed to turn into a caged lightning bolt, snapping and crackling in a manner that sounded light morbid laughter.

Green echoes dance, in the forest’s breath,

Nature’s chorus, the circle of death.

Emerald offspring, as life begets,

Within the ritual, the serpent sets.

The green candle erupted into a column of noxious looking green smoke, twisting and curling in on itself.

Frosty tendrils weave tales of ice,

A frigid symphony, a chilling device.

In the cold embrace, the sacrifice,

Born of winter, the frozen vice.

The white candle let out a sound like a snapping and cracking glacier as a pillar of ice formed.

Muddy waters, where secrets seep,

In the swamp's embrace, where shadows creep.

Ebony whispers, the secrets keep,

Dragons rise from the waters deep.

Finally, the black candle churned and gurgled, a column of stagnant, brackish water rising up into the air.

Tiamat, the Scaled Tyrant, the Mother of Dragons,

Grant this power, unleash the flagons.

Through blood and flame, in your name we bargain,

Dragon eggs laid, by the souls we've hardened.

Five shapes rose from the columns of flame and smoke, a red, a blue, a green, a white, and a black. Each shape shifted into a draconic head, the serpentine necks disappearing within the depths of the candles.

Then, one by one, the heads opened their maws and let out a single blast of their element, the red dragon's breath a torrent of flame, the blue a burst of lightning, the green a blast of noxious gas, the white a wave of icy mist, and the black a jet of brackish liquid. The five elements combined and slammed into the bowl, Viserys screaming.

And then, with a great burst of flame and smoke, it was over. The pillars vanished, the circle of blood gone, the candles puddles of molten wax. Garyx stood and walked over, picking up the bowl and tossing it aside. The observers whispered amongst themselves, as Viserys slowly lifted her head.

“What did you do to me?!” the newly made woman screamed.


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